Chicken coop in a barn stall

I've had free ranging chickens roost in the barn with the horses but never made a coop into the stall, but there's no reason you can't, anywhere they can get in out of the weather is sufficient.
One of my friends did this. Boarded up the sides to the ceiling, put hardware cloth on the front, shavings on the dirt floor. That side of the barn has about 4 feet of roofed space with support poles just outside the stall, so she put up wire out there to make an outdoor space for them with nestboxes hanging on the wall.
Planning to relocate our flock inside a large stall in our barn come extreme winter weather in GA.

If anyone has thoughts I'd appreciate the input. We have a large coop that is separate of the barn. Our chickens currently free range over about 2 acres during the day.
I've often wished I had the horse barn at my parent's place on my property so I could.

A 12x12 stall with existing human entrance doors and outside access animals doors is perfect IMO. We built dutch doors for the horses, a pop door would be easy to install for daily use, but with the larger door an option inside or out, you have clean out options. Every stall is different, so the customization is going to different for each, but in day dreaming of a larger chicken barn someday, with breeding pens, etc, I keep coming back to a monitor roofline barn with a center aisle and stalls on each side.

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