Chicken Coop Roof Flew Off!


In the Brooder
Dec 12, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
So we just had a really bad storm here, the brand new coop roof did NOT withstand the storm! Its in the neighbors yard and the chickens and the inside of the coop are soaked!! The wind is slowing down but its still raining! I ran out and threw a Tarp over the top of the roof and put some wood ontop....and its kinda working right now...but ugh....what do i do! my chickens are soaked! this is my first flock! I have 5 Barn Yard Mixed Chickens all around 10 weeks old.... I feel like the worst chicken parent ever!!! Tell me everything is going to be ok. Will the coop dry out? what can i do>?
They'll be fine. Just keep the tarp on them until you rebuild the roof. I raise my meat chickens in tractors covered by tarps. The birds might get a little wet from time to time if it's rainy and windy, but never had an issue. They dry and all is well afterwards. Just make sure there's enough ventilation as it dries or the bedding could get moldy depending on what you use.

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