Chicken died will the other one be ok?


Apr 28, 2015
Hi, three days ago I bought a couple of Silver-Laced Wyandotte chicken, The lady I bought them from was a lovely woman, and she had gotten them from a friend, as soon As I got them home I noticed Sophie was a bit off, she seemed tired, falling asleep on her feet. neither of these chickens seem very fond of Human's so I put it down to stress, she had been moved twice in two days, been taken away from everything she knew, I'd be stressed too. We thought if she made through the night she'd be ok. She did, but the next day she still seemed off, neither of the chickens would come out of the coop. when they did she went for a drink, and still seemed sleepy, So i came here read up possible causes, and checked her over for symptoms, i could feel no lump from being egg bound, there was blood in her stool. in fact the stool seemed fine apart from being a bit watery. apart from listlessness she showed no other symptoms. She started to perk up yesterday afternoon after a couple of treatments with rescue remedy and a couple of meal worms, she started walking around, pecking, seeming all in all on the mend.

We thought she would survive.

But this morning we found her dead, she wasn't on her back, in fact it just looked like she had curled up in the nesting box and gone to sleep.

Having never owned Chicken before this all has been a bit of a stressful ride. Our other Chicken, Sylvie seems fine, she restless and looking for Sophie, but she is not showing the signs of listlessness Sophia showed, her stools are watery too but having looked at the pictures of chicken stools (That's dedication!) it seems in the normal range.

What i want to know is does this sound familiar to you? and do you think Sylvie will be ok? Also if she is Ok how long should i wait before finding her a friend? I obviously don't want to put any more chicken at risk, but its not kind of Sylvie to be alone, Also do you have a suggestion for making the chicken more used to me? In the end i want her to feel comfortable enough around me to be able to eat out of my hand, so picking her up and checking her over isn't as much of a stress to her.

The one on the left is the survivor Sylvie and on the right is Sophie, I barely knew her but she will be missed.

Sounds like the stress caused her to have a bad outbreak of cocci. Blood in the poo means severe cocci. I would treat your other girls asap. So sorry for your loss :/
Also, the best way for them to get used to you is time. Spend alot of time with them, and hold off on trying to pick them up or pet them for awhile. I won my girls over with watermelon and birdseed. They all eat from my hand now, even my wily bantams! Good luck with your girls. I'd wait at least a month before bringing a new addition in, and make sure to quarantine them away from Sylvie for a month, then find a way to separate them, but to where they can see each other. I use our run, separated by hardware cloth.. Chicken wire, and window screens have also proved effective for me, in introducing.

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