Chicken garden


Dec 14, 2020
My kid wanted to plant one if our little garden beds for the chickens and they love itšŸ˜. Currently it is just clover but we will diversify with some more easy plants. Any suggestions?
How do you manage to keep the chickens eat up the entire garden? how large is the area, and how many chickens?

I planted wild flowers in two zones in our chicken yard. Started out with using chicken wires to fence the flowers in. When the flowers were all in full bloom, some were 4-5 feet tall. I thought it'll be ok to let them in. Our chickens completely flatten all the plants all in 2 hours. Tried twice in two different zones (5x5 area, and 4x12 ). We have 8 chickens when I attempted the first time, now we have 10. They have a very large yard they could run around. (30x40 strip with grass and all around their coop and run.)
How do you manage to keep the chickens eat up the entire garden? how large is the area, and how many chickens?

I planted wild flowers in two zones in our chicken yard. Started out with using chicken wires to fence the flowers in. When the flowers were all in full bloom, some were 4-5 feet tall. I thought it'll be ok to let them in. Our chickens completely flatten all the plants all in 2 hours. Tried twice in two different zones (5x5 area, and 4x12 ). We have 8 chickens when I attempted the first time, now we have 10. They have a very large yard they could run around. (30x40 strip with grass and all around their coop and run.)
We only have 3 and they only can free range when supervised. When needed I put up a 2 foot high picket fence roll which is enough to keep them out everywhere they are not supposed to be. they are allowed in some gardens, like my peppers- where I put bricks around the base of the plants to keep them from digging them up.

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