Chicken Hernia Yolk Sac?


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2022
Have a newly hatched chick that isn't doing well. It was a slow hatch compared to others of same breed, too 30ish vs. 15 hours after pipping to emerge. It also had other chicks preventing it hatching by standing in the way, but was not helped by us looking on. Soon after hatching we noticed it flailing as if in pain and that it had a hernia. We've had another chick or two with umbilical cord attached that are doing fine, but this chick seems to struggle. After googling and becoming aware of possibilities we removed it to a moist room in a box by itself with a heater. Chick is happier, but still struggling. Can I have some help to 1) identifying exactly what the problem is and 2) helping treat it if possible? 90% sure it's a blue silkie.

Looks like a herniated vent (prolapsed vent). Usually these heal on their own. More concerning is the weakness of the chick, likely due to the long hatch time depleting its reserves. Lots of TLC with chick saver hopefully will save the day.

It is possible that it has some internal damage, but I've had a number with prolapsed vents/herniated vents survive and thrive.

Good luck.
Have a newly hatched chick that isn't doing well. It was a slow hatch compared to others of same breed, too 30ish vs. 15 hours after pipping to emerge. It also had other chicks preventing it hatching by standing in the way, but was not helped by us looking on. Soon after hatching we noticed it flailing as if in pain and that it had a hernia. We've had another chick or two with umbilical cord attached that are doing fine, but this chick seems to struggle. After googling and becoming aware of possibilities we removed it to a moist room in a box by itself with a heater. Chick is happier, but still struggling. Can I have some help to 1) identifying exactly what the problem is and 2) helping treat it if possible? 90% sure it's a blue silkie.

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Not too sure. How is he doing today?

Let me call in some people, @WVduckchick Do you have any thoughts? Not sure who here is good with chicks, maybe you have some thoughts or know who to call in?
The chick looks a little better today, more alert. I got it to drink a couple swallows and eat one or two grains of it's food. That's better than last night. Also seems to like normal temps again. It wanted to be kinda hot last night.
So after more reading, I believe this is the chick's navel, not vent. Not sure if it's yolk sac or what, but it is drying up now and little chick is acting okay. Still sleepy, but eats/drinks on occasion. Should I let it dry up or try to keep it moist? Little chick has pooped at least once since birth yesterday at 4pm.

We tried using band aids to help the curled toes yesterday, but we need better band aids. Lol
Let is dry up.

Can the chick walk around at all?
I would get some human B-Complex and give the chick 1/4 tablet a day. For a chick that small, I dissolve the 1/4 tablet in a tiny amount of water, then syringe drops into it several times a day.

Get the chick eating and drinking on it's own as quickly as you can.
It has been pecking/eating food, but still reluctant to drink water on it's own. I think it has to do with it's feet/balance, but it can and is slowly wandering around the box for temperature regulation. We are using sav-a-chick in it's water, but I'll get some b-complex while i'm out today and try that too.

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