Chicken is sick!


In the Brooder
Aug 17, 2015
My hen has recently been sitting at the back of the coop and her tail feathers are low and she is not active. it just looks like a common sickness but those can be deadly! What can I do to help her?
She is pretty old I would say 6-7 years and has stopped laying for the past 6 months. We gave her a warm bath and she is still eating and drinking.
That is pretty old for a hen. There can be reproductive problems common in older hens, and cancer is common. I would offer her some chopped egg, canned tuna, or other foods that may entice her to eat. Put some electrolytes,vitamins, and probiotics in her water. Rooster Booster makes some for the water, some for the food, or Poultry Nutri-Drench can be given instead 3 ml daily by mouth. I would also worm her.
Thank you! i just checked on her and she had her eyes closed while standing up and she struggled to open them her feathers got more puffed up. I ordered some wazine 17 that will come today or tomorrow and i will do that as soon as possible.

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