Chicken laying down, not moving


Jul 26, 2022
I have a red star named Bumblebee and this morning when I let my chickens out, she was just sitting in her coop, not wanting to move. The day before she was fine. I do not know if this has anything to do with this, but for a long time she’s been regurgitating/throwing up every night for a long time, but otherwise before this she was healthy. I separated her from the rest of the flock and she ate about three bites of food and a few sips a water. She is just laying down with her eyes closed.

Thank you in advance!
i have no clue what this could be but it might help others if you answer a few questions.
How old is Bumblebee? What feed is she on? Is there anything around the coop she could have eaten that could be toxic?
She is about two years old. She’s on non GMO crumbles we get from our local Amish community. No there is nothing toxic in there. I do not know exactly how to check for eggbound but I think her bottom is supposed to be hard when a chicken has eggbound but her bottom is normal.
Do you have a picture of her hen? Can you feel of her crop to tell us if it is empty or full, hard, doughy, or soft/puffy? Always check the crop again in early morning to see if has emptied overnight. You can insert a clean or gloved finger into her vent up to 2 inches to feel for a stuck egg? Is her tail position up or down? Does her lower belly seem enlarged? I would suspect that she has a crop disorder due to her vomiting. Here is a good article on crop treatment:
Thanks y’all for your support. Unfortunately Bumblebee passed away. I will use your advice if I see another one like that. Thanks for everything
Sorry for your loss. If you still have her body, get it cold in the fridge wrapped in clean garbage bags, but don’t freeze it. Call your state vet to ask about a necropsy, which could give you the cause of death. This list should have your state vet contact info:
Some of us do home necropsies, though not as informative, but I have been able to see certain things in the abdominal organs to make a diagnosis. Take pictures of organs if you do one.

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