Chicken lice!


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2017
So I have been battling this for over a month now! Using DE. I need something that can kill the lice eggs because I cannot win the battle using DE anymore. There's very few with lice on them now, but those darn lice eggs are still there! Any recommendations?
ah ha......another member claiming DE DOES NOT WORK!!

permethrin spray for chickens

poultry dust for lice
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I use poultry dust!I've also heard putting a little garlic in the feed or water sometimes can prevent the lice from taking up home in the first place, but I've never personally tried it
So I have been battling this for over a month now! Using DE. I need something that can kill the lice eggs because I cannot win the battle using DE anymore. There's very few with lice on them now, but those darn lice eggs are still there! Any recommendations?
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Sorry you are battling lice... unfortunately they are a part of the environment.

You are not the first person to realize DE is ineffective.... aside from it being dangerous to your respiratory system.

Permethrin spray is very effective! They have an organinc version called Elector PSP that is quite a bit more expensive. Permethrin is the synthetic version. Safe and effective, easy to apply, no egg withdrawal if used as directed.

A link that discusses it....

I think it was even the chicken chick who said she new somebody had to have their chicken put down from trying to control things with DE because of how ineffective it is! I wonder if the people using it ever even had an issue or just assume it works because they don't when in fact maybe they just don't have them?

Good luck!
So I have been battling this for over a month now! Using DE. I need something that can kill the lice eggs because I cannot win the battle using DE anymore. There's very few with lice on them now, but those darn lice eggs are still there! Any recommendations?

Welcome to BYC! Go to Tractor Supply and get an $8 bottle of permethrin spray concentrate. Treat birds and coops.
Thank you everyone! Going to look into the Permethrin. Hope I didn't hurt my birds too much by using the DE once a week the past month. I looked into using it before I started but OBVIOUSLY my research was not thorough enough.
Thank you everyone! Going to look into the Permethrin. Hope I didn't hurt my birds too much by using the DE once a week the past month. I looked into using it before I started but OBVIOUSLY my research was not thorough enough.

I'm sure your birds will be fine. :D

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