Chicken limping


In the Brooder
Sep 16, 2020
My chickens are a little over 1yr old. I noticed one of my chickens limping the other day. I accidently stepped on one of them while giving treats, i guess it wasnt hurtful because no one hollered but me, then i noticed this one limping. I do not know which one i stepped on either so i do not know if i caused this. This hen is also my "thug" chicken lol. She acts like shes one of the higher ups but she is not and she gets put in her place. She is missing feathers on her head, her neck, tail feathers look torn up..... She has also become pretty aggressive with the neighbors chickens which she previously had no problems with. My matriarch does step in when she causes problems. I did notice Frank, the limping chicken, was trying to join the flock but couldnt due to her leg so she stopped to rest. She then began making this noise that was almost whine. One of my other higher ranking hens then backtracked to join her and walked with her a little ways before i felt too bad and picked her up. Lol. Amazing intellect! So my concern is... Is the leg injured because i did something, or is her increasing aggression because she is getting bullied and the injury is a result of the bullying?? I dont know if I should isolate her either. She seemed hesitant to leave the coop this morning too. My chickens free range. I have been cautious with watching for predators like coyotes and dogs, as well as hawks...... Any advice? She still manages to jump up to the roosts which are about 5ft up but (only 2.5ft from nesting box walkway and thats about 2.5 ft from ground.) i know i need to change up that design.... She does still bear alittle weight but she is not able to keep up and she guards the leg when she stands keeping it a little off the ground.
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Injury is probably the more likely reason for the limping. Sprains, or ligament injury to the ankle, knee or hip are common in chickens. It could be from the stepping on her, but hard to know. I would leave her with her flock mostly. If you can place her on the roost in the evening, and then take her off first thing in morning, that would be good for the pecking order. They are always more happy to stay part of the flock, and I will keep them inside the coop, even if I have to separate in a crate. If that is not possible, then you could place her in a dog crate only at night to keep her from jumping. Is she laying eggs? She probably will jump up and down from the nest box too. Ideally, an xray could show if the bone is broken, but she probably would not be putting weight on it. Vets can prescribe meloxicam for inflammation and pain. Some use 1/2 of an 81 mg low dose aspirin orally twice a day, but for no more than 3 days. Let us know if the limping gets worse, or she suddenly cannot walk.

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