Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

This is fantastic! Can anyone tell me exactly how many cities nationwide currently have chicken ordinances on the books. I assume these ordiances allow chickens and that's why they are listed. How many cities listed DO NOT allow chickens? Maybe the answer to both questions is obvious but I thought I'd ask.

Thanks so much!

Jay Gardner
Plano, Texas where I'm doing my best to change the ordinance!
I love this map but I mentioned a few years ago that the Shreveport Louisiana listing is inaccurate unless I am mis-reading it.

The map suggests chickens are allowed although there are zoning restrictions. The ordinance reads that in residential areas within city limits poultry is not allowed without a zoining exception. So it really isn't allowed unless you are able to get an exception from the zoning board which is nearly impossible and prohibitively expensive for most people.
I too, am in violation...but as I have grown over the years I have realized that laws are really just "generalities" and that there are exceptions, variations, interpretations, amendments, addendums, ad infinitum. I have also watched the people who write, enforce, and enact on these various pieces of legislation pick and choose which ones they will abide by or ignore, and or seek power or financial gain from those who would seek to tell us how we should behave or act. I went to my neighbors and explained the situation and that I would be in violation but that I would appreciate their consent and would reward them with eggs. I also requested we keep things "Low Profile". So far, so good. When and if the time comes I will take on "The Man".It won't be fun. If they open that door we will have "Multiple Issues" to try to reach a balance on.
We are super pleased to announce the conclusion of the highly successful Chicken L.O.R.E. Contest - the awarding of GFM’s will conclude with submissions made thru May 31st. A huge BYC Thank You goes out to so many members for their hard work and contributions to the L.O.R.E. (Laws & Ordinances – Your Rights & Entitlements) database .

We started with a list of 500 cities that we were hoping to complete – incorporating the top 100 populated cities in the U.S. and the top 500 BYC-member cities. As of today, we now have over 700 cities in the database! Along the way, we awarded over 300 months of GFM's to our members!

Even though we won't be awarding GFMs for cities submitted after 5/31 we hope to see the database continue to grow along with the BYC community, and encourage members to continue making submissions. Our goal is still to have at least 1000 cities across the country in the database. Our Project Managers, LareePQG and Coopa Cabana, will continue to monitor new submissions, and will still be available for any assistance you may need.

Speaking of LareePQG and Coopa Cabana, this project could not have happened without them. They took a project that I was concerned wouldn't work and turned it into an amazing success! They spent countless hours validating and editing each and every city, tracking submissions, awarding GFMs, and much much more!!!
To them I say:
Please take a moment to say thanks to them too.

BTW, here is a map of all verified Chicken Friendly Cities in the US: (click for interactive map)

I would like the City Of Pasadena, Texas included in your database, I have the laws and they are a very friendly city and very relaxed on the code and ordinances. Thank You for supporting us and all chicken owners. They are our family too...
Here is the link and sections on our great cities Code of Ordinances on keeping fowl
Sec. 6-7. Fowl not to run at large.

It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any chicken, duck, goose, guinea or other domesticated fowl owned or kept by him to run at large within the city limits. Any domesticated fowl not confined in an enclosure, but permitted to stray or roam at pleasure on property other than the premises of the owner, shall be deemed "at large" in violation of this section.
(Code 1964, § 4-7)
Sec. 6-8. Keeping of fowl or rabbits near residences.

It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor or maintain any poultry, fowl or rabbits within fifty (50) feet of any residence within the city.
(Code 1964, § 4-7.1)
Sec. 6-9. Maintenance of premises where fowl or rabbits kept.

It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, maintain or permit the presence of any poultry, fowl or rabbits on any lot or parcel of land in the city in any unsanitary condition. The floors of any room, coop, box or compartment in which poultry, fowl or rabbits are kept shall be scraped and thoroughly cleaned at least once in every twenty-four (24) hours and so maintained that no odors are emitted therefrom.
The interior of any structure in which poultry, fowl or rabbits are kept shall be whitewashed at least once every six (6) months and sprayed with an effective disinfectant on the roosting places at least once in each calendar month, and kept covered with deep dry litter to discourage insects, fleas, mites and flies.
Any premises not maintained in accord with this section is hereby declared to constitute a nuisance and any police officer or the director of public health shall order the owner or occupant of such premises to remove and abate such nuisance, at his own expense, within a time not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours. Such order shall be sufficient if delivered orally to such owner or occupant or to his representative, if such owner or occupant cannot be found within the city, or such order may be in writing. When such order is written, it shall be served by a police officer or the director of public health by delivering a copy thereof to the owner, occupant or agent of such property. If the owner or agent of the property is unknown or absent, with no known representative or agent upon whom the notice can be served, the police officer or the director of public health shall post a written or printed notice upon the property or premises setting forth that, unless the nuisance is removed or abated within twenty-four (24) hours, at the expense of the owner or occupant, the nuisance will be abated by the city at the expense of the owner.
If the nuisance provided for in this section is not abated within twenty-four (24) hours after the above order or notice is given, all poultry, fowl and rabbits found on the premises shall be removed by the city and impounded at the city pound. If, within forty-eight (48) hours after any poultry, fowl or rabbits are so impounded, the owner thereof pays the cost of abating the nuisance and agrees that, upon the return of such poultry, fowl or rabbits, he will forthwith maintain or dispose of such poultry, fowl or rabbits in a manner which does not violate any ordinance of the city, such poultry, fowl or rabbits shall be released to him.
If the owner of poultry, fowl or rabbits impounded under this section shall fail, neglect or refuse to call at the city pound within forty-eight (48) hours after the impounding to pay the cost of abating such nuisance and agree to maintain or dispose of such poultry, fowl or rabbits in a manner which does not violate any ordinance of the city, the director of public health shall sell the poultry, fowl or rabbits to a poultry dealer and immediately turn the proceeds over to the city controller, who will credit the amount against the cost of abating the nuisance and pay over the excess, if any, to the owner of such poultry, fowl or rabbits.
Here's the link to the codes for La Habra, CA:

I also inquired at the city office. The guy who looked it up for me said that it'd be okay. Based on my conversation with the guy and my reading and interpretation of the codes (not legal expert), it's fine to keep chickens without a permit so long as you don't intend them for game or consumption, or they'd definitely be defined as fowl rather than pet birds. The other thing is that the restrictions on coop location basically means no legal chicken keeping for most people not zone in agricultural areas.

In short summary: yes to chickens as pets; no specification on roosters (but there is a clause on disturbing the peace); max of 20 birds; coops to be 50ft from any dwelling and 10ft from property line

Here are the relevant code sections:

6.04.040 Bird.
“Bird” means any bird of any age of either sex, including any fowl, exotic or domestic bird. (Ord. 1627 § 1, 2003)

6.04.080 Fowl.
“Fowl” means a bird usually raised for consumption. In this environment a fowl could include but is not limited to chicken, duck, goose, turkey, pigeon, quail, or pheasant. (Ord. 1627 § 1, 2003)

6.22.300 Permit required to keep fowl.
No person shall keep any fowl as defined in Section 6.02.100 of this title, within the city limits, except in the agricultural zone or open space declared area, without first securing a permit from the animal control officer as prescribed in Chapter 6.30 of this title. The fee for this permit shall be as established per resolution of the city council. This section shall not apply to those animals that are being kept upon the premises of a public school in association with an agriculture education program. (Ord. 1627 § 1, 2003)

6.22.310 Birds.
A. No person or persons, firm or corporation shall keep or maintain or cause to be kept or maintained within the city any canary, parrot, parakeet, macaw, or fowl as defined in Section 6.02.100 of this title, any bird of prey, or other bird, except under the following conditions:
1. No person shall raise, keep or have in his possession in the city, except within a rural zone or open space declared area, any live adult fowl or any other bird which because of its size, natural disposition, or any other characteristic constitutes a hazard or menace to persons or disturbs the peace.
2. Permitted birds shall be confined within a suitable house, cage, coop, or aviary after sundown.
3. Such bird house, cage, coop, aviary, or area where birds reside shall at all times be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, shall be cleaned once a week or more often if necessary, and shall be free from offensive odors and insects.
4. Such bird house, cage, or coop shall be well lime-washed or painted once a year, or more often if necessary.
5. No part of any such bird house, cage, coop or aviary shall be less than fifty feet from any adjacent dwelling or place of business occupied by human beings for dwelling or business purposes.
6. No person shall keep or maintain any bird house, cage, coop or runway within ten feet of any property line of the lot or parcel of land upon which it is situated.
7. No person shall keep or maintain in the city, more than twenty mature birds.
B. The provisions of subsection (A) of this section shall not apply to those persons who maintain no more than four adult canaries, parakeets, parrots, doves or other similar birds that are customarily housed within a residence. (Ord. 1627 § 1, 2003)
So as I am currently reading my Municode for walker, La I find this in the definitions portion,

Livestock means cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules, burros, asses, other livestock of all ages, farm-raised ratite species

*** how do you use the word you are defining in the definition of that word???

back to my reading now. ill be posting my findings shortly, then go back to looking up methods for wing clipping my chickens

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