Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

Hmmm, so do we also get credit for listing HOA rules relating to poultry?

You get credit for cities submitted. HOA rules are pretty much not-verifyable and subject to change on such a regular basis, we could not keep them updated.

So no, no credit for submitting Gilbert, Arizona, Val Vista Lakes.
The documents may be listed, but the property management companies are not required to post updated documents to the public at large, at least in AZ. (I used to work for a home builder, & I will spare you the rant which would follow here)

So even if the documents available haven't been changed over a period of time, there is (less) guarantee there has not been a change than there would be for a municipality. Also, these documents would not allow for folks who asked their HOA for a variance to allow chickens, and were approved.

The BIG issue is that the system is not currently set up for a third area category. Perhaps in the future...but right now it poses a data collection, organization, and verification problem. Perhaps we can hit you up when we are done with the "big list" beta test?
Sure; just let me know.
Actually, document changes must be recorded. For condominiums is is explicitly required by AZ statute; for planned communities, the lack of recording the document prevents collection of unpaid assessments. The difference (in Arizona) between a condominium and a planned community is in who owns the common areas. My HOA is actually a condominium because of that--I find it vastly amusing that we are a condo--with acreage "units." Every year there are slight changes to the statutes pertaining to HOAs, so it may be that the requirements for recording came after your work for the builder ended. Both of the HOAs I mentioned are self-managed. Anyways, this is starting to get off-topic, so I'll simply volunteer to be a guinea pig if you do decide to test it out.
You said it... the problem I have with HOA submittals. Many HOAs are not incorporated, (are -in short- defunct) are not listed in the AZ Corporation Commission, and therefore do not need to file docs when they have elections, change signers, change rules, make exceptions...etc. Goodness forbid they change property management companies! NOW- if we went through the Corp Comission and only posted incorporated HOAs, it would be doable: if we had a third sort function in the database. But what about cities/states that do not have any regulations regarding incorporation/document publishing?

I like the idea of including the HOA stuff, but it might be too big a project right now.

First we need to get the US cities, then maybe talk about Canada, then...HOAs and the world?

EDITED: It is not really off-topic. You are bringing up valid points. We had lots of concerns when setting up the city list. Towns that were unincorporated, cities, rural areas, counties, parishes, state BLM law.... it goes on.
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I compiled another list of people who qualify for GFMs today. They were submitted at 10:30 MST--but it could take a few days to get them all applied. I hear Nifty is a busy guy.
Some tips for folks submitting cities:

Tip #1-
As you browse through the municipal code--whether it is at or else where, take advantage of the "Find" function. has one inside the frames. Your internet browser also has a "Find" function. You can search or hit "CONTROL F" and then type in your word.

Tip #2-
The most often used words in municipal code in reference to poultry are (in order of frequency):

Farm animals

Tip #3-
Make sure you look a little bit further than the first glance. Often "fowl" are disallowed, and then in the next paragraph there will be an exception for "zoning". In MANY cities, chickens are allowed in residential districts with a "lot size" caveat or a "agricultural" tag on the property.

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