Chicken Losing/Shedding feathers?

Brummie Pekin

6 Years
Sep 2, 2017
United Kingdom, Birmingham
One out of my 4 hens has been leaving its feathers all over the coop and run. At first I only saw a few but then there were quite a few feathers in the run, I matched the colours and decided it was this Chicken;
(Its not the black hen)

The hen which is losing feathers has an illness where its neck spasms once every few weeks but we normally managed to sort it out in a few days.
Could the feather losing be linked to that illness? She lays eggs and her movements are normal, does not look fatigued.
Any help would be appreciated since this is my first time keeping chickens and have kept them for a year so far. Learning along the way and this is a new obstacle on my chicken journey.
She is probably starting her yearly molt. I am also seeing feathers in my coop, and some with missing patches of feathers. Most hens will stop laying eggs during a molt. When her neck spasms, it might be her adjusting her crop. More discription of the neck spasm would help. A video posted to YouTube with a link here might be helpful.
She's probably just going through molt! But just to be 100% sure she is still laying, try a butt check. Here's a helpful link:
Also, you need to take into mind the age of the hen and how long her breed is averaged to live. Finally, you may need to watch and make sure she's eating, drinking, and defecating normally.

All in all, she honestly looks like she may be going through molt!
She is probably starting her yearly molt. I am also seeing feathers in my coop, and some with missing patches of feathers. Most hens will stop laying eggs during a molt. When her neck spasms, it might be her adjusting her crop. More discription of the neck spasm would help. A video posted to YouTube with a link here might be helpful.

it can't be molt then if she's still laying?
She's probably just going through molt! But just to be 100% sure she is still laying, try a butt check. Here's a helpful link:
Also, you need to take into mind the age of the hen and how long her breed is averaged to live. Finally, you may need to watch and make sure she's eating, drinking, and defecating normally.

All in all, she honestly looks like she may be going through molt!

she's eating and drinking fine everything seems to be normal, well apart from the feathers all over the place
The appearance of a pillow fight in the coop and run is a sure sign of molt. Most birds molt in their second autumn and each thereafter but now that it is after summer solstice, that is usually the signal (declining day length) to their bodies that it is time.
Chickens CAN lay eggs and molt, it is just not common for them to have enough protein to produce eggs and feathers at the same time.
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The appearance of a pillow fight in the coop and is a sure sign of molt. Most birds molt in their second autumn and each thereafter but now that it is after summer solstice, that is usually the signal (declining day length) to their bodies that it is time.
Chickens CAN lay eggs and molt, it is just not common for them to have enough protein to produce eggs and feathers at the same time.

I have 4 other chickens and they are around the same age, do they all molt around the same period?

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