Chicken Manure TEA


11 Years
Aug 14, 2008
Central Minnesota USA
I found an article about composting on another poultry site. It has directions for making chicken manure "tea". Here it is below. Has anyone tried this?

You can also try making "tea". Chicken manure fertilizer tea; sounds delicious, eh? To make fertilizer tea, scoop the chicken manure into a burlap bag. Then, throw a rock into the bag to weigh it down and place the whole thing into a 35-gallon garbage can. Fill the garbage can with water and let it sit for about three weeks. Once the three weeks are over, you will have nutrient-rich chicken manure fertilizer tea as the water becomes infused with the nutrients from the chicken manure. You can use this fertilizer tea to water your plants to give them a vitamin boost.
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Put it in your compost pile!
Do you use fresh chicken droppings? Or composted droppings?

I use cow manure tea, but it is already composted when I put it in the "tea bag"... ( I use and old pillow case in an old Igloo huge thermos type container. It has a spout at the bottom to fill the containers with the "tea."
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