What kind and how tall a fence do you have? Do the chickens stay inside of it? Do you have a secure coop to protect you birds for nighttime?

You could run some hot wire around the existing fence to keep the fox and most other critters off of it.
It's really just about accessing the predators in your area and making sure that your coop is made so that nothing can pull it apart, dig under, reach through, climb over, or fly in -- depending now what you have to worry about. Hard ware cloth is much better than chicken wire and should be buried into the ground.
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What kind and how tall a fence do you have? Do the chickens stay inside of it? Do you have a secure coop to protect you birds for nighttime?

You could run some hot wire around the existing fence to keep the fox and most other critters off of it.
I have a 4 ft tall picket fence and I clipped their wings so they cant fly over. I have a coop with hardwire cloth instead of chicken wire.
pictures are worth a thousand words. Just last week, I watched a fox easily scale a 7ft wood fence from a standing start. He/she went up it as easily as a cat. You may want to consider a more protective breed of dog.
Not everyone can just up and replace or add a dog to the family. If another dog is not an option, you could put a strand of electric fence around the top of your picket fence. I think it could be done and not detract from the street view of your yard. A 4' picket fence really isn't much protection against anything. You already know that a fox can easily scale it, as can a raccoon, cat or determined dog. Your run sounds secure with the hardware cloth. Do you have a cover on it, too?
You may want to consider a more protective breed of dog.

He is a 110# coonhound pit bull mix....pretty nasty towards people but apparently not towards fox. Unfortunately the yard isn't big enough for 5 chickens and 2 dogs. If it was I would already have another.
Do you have a cover on it, too?

It has a wooden roof if that's what you mean
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He is a 110# coonhound pit bull mix....pretty nasty towards people but apparently not towards fox. Unfortunately the yard isn't big enough for 5 chickens and 2 dogs. If it was I would already have another.
It has a wooden roof if that's what you mean
Yes, I guess what I was getting at was, "can anything come in over the top of the fence?". Obviously not, and that is good.
Free ranging has many wonderful benefits. The downside is that your birds are exposed to predators. Maybe a second look at some sort of guard animal? Or just be willing to take the risk. You could also consider chicken tractors instead of a true free range.

I did free range for almost three years before the hawks made me change my mind. I now have an enclosed run. You just have to weigh the pros and cons.

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