Chicken molting and walking sideways

Crazy Chicken Lady10

In the Brooder
Jan 29, 2020
Just recently my hen stopped being broody. After a couple of weeks, she started to lose feathers. I thought nothing of it because it seemed like a regular molt. But, just yesterday, I noticed that she has mostly down feathers left except for the feathers on her neck and some near her legs. Her wings look to be a grayish-blue color and are covered with little blue feather tips (Like the part of the feather that would be used to write with on a feather pen) and there was a big bald spot on the tip of her bum where I could see spots where feathers should have been. Aside from that, she was walking sideways and ducking when she did so. Today, her back was also covered with those blue tips, too. Whenever she goes over to get the food she seems hungry and eats it ferociously. Another chicken came up to the food and she lightly pecked the other chicken so they would leave (she doesn't seem to be getting bullied). She also seems to be kind of confused. She walked up the wall and kind of moved her head around for a few seconds. She's almost two years old and this is the first time she has molted. Is she just molting and that's what is causing the weird walking or is there something else going on with her?
Just recently my hen stopped being broody. After a couple of weeks, she started to lose feathers. I thought nothing of it because it seemed like a regular molt. But, just yesterday, I noticed that she has mostly down feathers left except for the feathers on her neck and some near her legs. Her wings look to be a grayish-blue color and are covered with little blue feather tips (Like the part of the feather that would be used to write with on a feather pen) and there was a big bald spot on the tip of her bum where I could see spots where feathers should have been. Aside from that, she was walking sideways and ducking when she did so. Today, her back was also covered with those blue tips, too. Whenever she goes over to get the food she seems hungry and eats it ferociously. Another chicken came up to the food and she lightly pecked the other chicken so they would leave (she doesn't seem to be getting bullied). She also seems to be kind of confused. She walked up the wall and kind of moved her head around for a few seconds. She's almost two years old and this is the first time she has molted. Is she just molting and that's what is causing the weird walking or is there something else going on with her?
The poor girl.
She's having a hard molt. You are seeing the pin feathers coming in.
She is exceedingly uncomfortable.
I had a hen behave much the same last year during her first molt which was also hard.
How much protein do you feed your flock? It would do her good to give her some high protein treats like canned cat food or tuna.
Well, she is molting, and those little tips are the new feathers that are going to grow in.
Does she stumble or fall when she walks? Is she weak?
Are her poops regular color and consistency?
Well, she is molting, and those little tips are the new feathers that are going to grow in.
Does she stumble or fall when she walks? Is she weak?
Are her poops regular color and consistency?
Her poops are regular and she doesn't seem to stumble or fall but she does seem to be very cautious when walking and it looks like she has a hard time with it.
The poor girl.
She's having a hard molt. You are seeing the pin feathers coming in.
She is exceedingly uncomfortable.
I had a hen behave much the same last year during her first molt which was also hard.
How much protein do you feed your flock? It would do her good to give her some high protein treats like canned cat food or tuna.
Okay thank you for the advice
Just recently my hen stopped being broody. After a couple of weeks, she started to lose feathers. I thought nothing of it because it seemed like a regular molt. But, just yesterday, I noticed that she has mostly down feathers left except for the feathers on her neck and some near her legs. Her wings look to be a grayish-blue color and are covered with little blue feather tips (Like the part of the feather that would be used to write with on a feather pen) and there was a big bald spot on the tip of her bum where I could see spots where feathers should have been. Aside from that, she was walking sideways and ducking when she did so. Today, her back was also covered with those blue tips, too. Whenever she goes over to get the food she seems hungry and eats it ferociously. Another chicken came up to the food and she lightly pecked the other chicken so they would leave (she doesn't seem to be getting bullied). She also seems to be kind of confused. She walked up the wall and kind of moved her head around for a few seconds. She's almost two years old and this is the first time she has molted. Is she just molting and that's what is causing the weird walking or is there something else going on with her?
Hi- I know this is an old post but how long did your hen act like this? And did she act like this every year, or was it a 1 time thing? My EE is going through her first adult molt and is acting like this right now.

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