Chicken moral question

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Morally, I do not feel it is right to give the chickens back to someone who cares so little for their welfare. They were on your property, you did not remove them from hers. Depending on what you feel comfortable with, I would either just straight out keep them, or turn them over to animal control and tell them you would like to adopt them if they are not claimed by their owner within the 3 day window or whatever your local shelter has as a holding period. That is most likely the route I would go, That way I would at least feel like I have given the person the opportunity to get their hens back.
I have to say that we are fairly new to raising chickens, we had them when we were young but our parents did the work. That said, we lost 3-4 hens before we found a good solution...each time, we changed something in the hopes that our dogs would stay out. It has now been 2-3 months of perfection. they get supervised free range time quite often as well. Has this lady made ANY changes in an attempt to fix the problem??if not, keep them. Maybe offer to help her build/brainstorm a safer coop for the next batch.

For the person that suggested shooting the dog, don't be insulting. The dog does not deserve to be tied up all day. Its their yard too. You can't kill it for the owners poor training and the dog following its instincts.

may be in the city but here in the country stray dog get shot especially is they mess with livestock and dogs do need to be pined (not caged) there is a difference keep them in your yard not everyones yard
Rehome the chickens; if you keep them you'll always wonder if she knows you have them. As for the dogs, I'm for catching and rehoming them too. Idiot owners. If you figure out who owns them, maybe they'll be fined and be motivated to drop the cycle.
I love my chickens; but I also love living with the wild critters in the countryside. I'm really dismayed by how many people seem willing to blast holes through all the animals that come around the feathered dinner we parade in front of them...
I think it would be best for her to know you have found the chickens on your property. If she wants them back, she should come over and get them. You can show her your coop and explain how you are able to keep predators away, etc, etc.

It just seems wrong to go behind her back and give them to animal control when you know who they belong to.

I also agree those birds could make your birds sick...
No I didn't go on to her property, they were hiding under my bushes. One had a hurt leg that I treated. I apprentice all you that responded. I don't like the animal control solution. Not here anyways. So what I have decided to do is go down there this weekend and tell her I been caring for them. Offer to keep them, but I don't she will go for that. Eggs are not her issue, its hard to believe but she likes having them because her young kids. (go figure) But when I offer them back I will offer to fix there pen (even though she has a husband UGH) Its just hard to believe she didn't even go looking for the poor things. For you all that offer suggestions about the dogs. There not running ramped but every now and again you might see one. The first one she lost were to her own dogs. I don't know about the last two. Nor do I know how this last group got injured.
You are a really nice person. She is fortunate to have such a good neighbor. Good luck, I hope she lets you fix the run and the chickens stay safe this time.
I don't know how animal control works where you guys are. But in SC they would come to your house, pick up the chickens, take them home to the owner and attempt to educate her on proper care, housing and protection of the hens. ONLY if she doesnt improve her methods will they remove the birds.
For the person that suggested shooting the dog, don't be insulting. The dog does not deserve to be tied up all day. Its their yard too. You can't kill it for the owners poor training and the dog following its instincts.
It's not insulting to shoot a rampaging dog. I live in farm country and it's legal if they are molesting livestock. We recently had a whole series of incidents with dogs from a particular owner. Among other things they did, they killed one of my cats. I saw it. They finally got shot a day or so later while attacking sheep (they had killed sheep and goats previously but nothing was done because there wasn't "proof" they did it beyond one person seeing it). After the last incident where the dogs were killed, the owner got a minor ticket and that was it. He's up to the same old thing now, letting his mutt St Bernards breed and then run free. Under our current statute, shooting the dogs attacking our cat wouldn't have been legal. If they ever come back and attack my chickens, I will shoot them and it will be legal. I wouldn't disagree that it's the owner's fault but the current laws are weak and not sufficiently "motivating" to this form of scum. Frankly, the dogs are better off dead than to be with that owner. And, no, I have no intention of trying to capture the dogs and turn them in, as the last batch were very threatening. Our dog warden, who is is an hour away on a good day, would end up putting them to sleep anyway.
Some people do not deserve or are responsible to ever be allowed to keep animals, it really really upsets me when I hear stories about the mistreatment of any animal , in my mind all animals are innocent , they don't do things out of malice ( excuse any bad spelling!) . Over here the r.s.p.c.a have far far more cases of animal neglect than ever, don't know if its to do with present financial situ of people or what, but it's sick & something really needs to be done about this. It's 2013 & it just should not be tolerated. Sorry, I am off on one now!
Just my opinion, but I'm looking at this in two ways. First, does this woman deserve to have chickens? Easily answered, no. So I would stop doing the things that enable her. Stop giving her supplies, stop giving her help she doesn't seem to be asking for. You are obviously a very compassionate person but your help is letting her do something she she should not be doing.

The second question is what do you do with the chickens you now have that are hers. This is a harder question. The chickens may be doomed if you give them back. But she may just get more if you don't. While it may be terrible for those chickens if you give them back, she has suffered no real consequences if you do and may never learn that she has no business owning birds.

I guess the way I'm looking at it is that she's just going to keep getting chickens (these or a new batch) until she feels like chickens are too much trouble. Help her get there more quickly by not making things better. My guess is even if she had a chicken palace she still wouldn't be a good caretaker. And in the end that's what chickens need.

I don't envy you. This has to be very difficult.
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