Chicken "mutt" club!!!

First batch is always the worst.

If somebody told you 60-65% humidity for lockdown in your area - do it. Its what I use and it works fine for me.

They rock around for awhile, they get tired and rest, then they rock some more. They have unfinished stuff to do before they come out - they need to absorb the yolk, and the blood from the web they lived off of while they are growing. Don't rush them. They need everything to retract and heal up before they come out. First pips give them breathing air for the next operation...

If the ones that pipped haven't come out in 24 hours you can check them. I don't help unless I see a chick pipped and unable to move for at least that long.. that is stuck. With your humidity they should be fine.

They can live for 3 days on that yolk.

Don't Panic!
Sorry lol just with all the reading I have been doing about drowning and drying up freaks me out lol. I am sure I might maybe possibly feel better about my next hatch
this first one is freaking me out lol. I have no clue what to expect even though I have done a lot of research everything leaves my brain I am in mommy panic mode
thanks for the advice. I am going to try a nightcap tonight and get some rest. It will still be hard to sleep. I heard peeping and I just want to get them out haha I know its wrong but its just my mommy nature I guess :) I have not touched them or open the incubator since lock down so I have behaved myself very well It would be cool to wake up to babies but if these chicks are anything like their mommies they are going to be stubborn and make me wait as long as possible
So I know that this is just a mutt chicken thread but I was taking care of my friends animals while they were out of town and these are the new babies :)

Toffee the newest mountain lamb

We havent named this little guy yet but he/she is super cute doesnt want to be in the nesting box with brothers/sisters anymore and is always in mommas food bowl
Thanks excited :) one more just pipped and a chunk of the shell came off you can see a little yellow fuzzy :weee

I have noticed that the ones that have pipped arent really rocking around as much is that ok? is my hum. to low? hope they arent drying up in there eeekkkk nevious momma here.  hum is at 60%-65%
I am in colorado also. You are dead on with the humidity for our dry area here. I hatched out my first a month ago and they quit rocking once pipped also. Dont worry all will be well. You will wake up to a few xhicks in the bator. Have fun and good luck.
Thanks samsr I went into this idea of hatching and freaked when I started talking to everyone in my area about it. OMG it seems like CO is one of the hardest places to hatch dry weather/high elevation I honestly didnt expect to have anyone make it to lock down. I hope I will have fuzzies in the morning lol if not I will really be pulling hair out :)
So I know that this is just a mutt chicken thread but I was taking care of my friends animals while they were out of town and these are the new babies :)

Toffee the newest mountain lamb

We havent named this little guy yet but he/she is super cute doesnt want to be in the nesting box with brothers/sisters anymore and is always in mommas food bowl
Distracting yourself is good too....

The one time we had bunnies the male baby used to sit in the food... Dunno what was up with that.
Wow, I missed a bunch there! Some great advice on incubating. What I would do for some blue Isbars! Wow! Hatching mutts is a blast! I also do my fair share of culling. It helps strengthen the flock overall. Will post some new pics soon!
Well everyone here they are 4:36 am the golden sexlink/RIR hatched and 5 mins later the Easter egger/RIR hatched I have 6-7 that have pipped through the shell and another one is zipping. Super Exciting!!!! I am now a mutt owner lol. Those babies sure are loud Hubby and I could barely sleep last night here are the pics.


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