Chicken "mutt" club!!!

Some of my mutts aren't mutts yet, but more than half of my chickens are here are some assorted photos. Heck, some of what I think might be purebreds also might not be... Here we go. These are some small barnyard mixes that I bought as chicks with their mom back in November. Obviously the larger white one is a cockerel... Here he is again, with my Silkie roo, and what I think is a leghorn mix, might be a leghorn, I'm not sure. Here are the Silkie, the mixed cockerel, and 2 of the mixed pullets from same brood. Here is 2 more of the same, with their mom in the back, she is the wheaten colored hen behind them. Also pictured what I believe to be a buff Orpington I think my rooster might be a White Rock, not sure...he is a really big guy though. Along with the mama and 2 pullets. Here is one of the barred pullets Here they all are a few weeks ago. They are very different now as you see..this is when she was still "brooding" them..fully feathered and all, but still peeping. Anyway those are my mixes so far. I plan on making a tailor made super chicken that suits my needs, so in the end they will all be mixed. I like the variety as well. I don't want chicks that all look the boring. Millions of chances when you hatch mutts from long lines of mutts. All colorings and combinations are possible. I guess they are with heritage breeds, but it takes a lot longer to get all the different colors. Anyway my chickens are for eggs, meat and they don't have to be pure or fit any standards. I would like to one day have a few pens of certain breeds so I can just mix a few colors...but keep the original line, but right now I am more into seeing just how varied a mutt flock can be. I will be adding a lot of hatchery chicks here soon, and they will provide me with some more interesting mixes. Because the mixes I have right now are already a streamlined mix... the mama hen is a good broody, and lays pretty well as well, but I like larger eggs...that is where the Buff Orpington, and the Leghorn mix(?) come in. She lays medium sized eggs 2 on 1 she lays for 2 days consecutively and then she skips a day.
That's what I'm doing too! Waiting for my (hopefully) last batch of chicks from the hatchery. I saved some from last year, so will work with these birds to create my own meat/egg birds. Interesting stuff! I might also work with one breed & keeping it separate. Hubby going to build me a new 8ft long brooder. Yay!
keep posting!!!!
Here are two of mine:

This hen is a Paint. Dad: Buff Laced Polish Mom: Blue Easter Egger

This rooster is a Blue-Tailed Red (sorry I wasn't able to get an picture of his tail and he would not hold his head up for me to get a good shot.
Dad: Blue/Red Splash Easter Egger Mom: Red Naked Neck(Turken).
A brahma mix

The cockerel is a NH/Silkie cross. His sister is pictured a few down

Billy Idol, faverolle/lt brahma

Silkie/faverolle/lt brahma/who know's what else. Sting is his name... its in the do...

Stings bro Billy Idol... He's a faverolle/lt brahma

Belle Mai (RIP) She's a faverolle silkie

Rod Stewart, Faverolle Silkie also... Belle Mai's brother. they look so DIFFERENT!

I haven't named this pretty girl yet. She's a NH/Silkie

Little Pretty. Faverolle/lt Brahma


Sting as a chick


An I have no idea, but he sure was pretty.

Rod Stewart at 12 weeks. He was originally named Ugly Boy.

Faverdotte (faverolle/GlW)

He's a younger pic of the I have no idea guy a few up...

faverolle/wyandotte male cross chick
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