Chicken "mutt" club!!!



A few of our crosses, rhodebar x buff brahma, marraduna x buff brahma, and rhodebar x marraduna :).
Some new chicks my LF Cochin Jewel hatched. They are 1/2 LF Cochin.and possibly full on one or two.

This is my Rooster Blu

These are my hens:
Jewel my broody momma

Celeste and Rarity they both look the same

Big Momma

Here are the new chicks and Jewel

Quote: That is a huge expense in feed! I can only imagine the wasted feed scratched out on the ground. Have you thought about doing the fermented feed thing? I do and it cut my feed bill almost in half because there is no waste. They eat it all and don't scratch any out of the bowls. Just a suggestion.
Some new chicks my LF Cochin Jewel hatched. They are 1/2 LF Cochin.and possibly full on one or two.

This is my Rooster Blu

These are my hens:
Jewel my broody momma

Celeste and Rarity they both look the same

Big Momma

Here are the new chicks and Jewel

Gorgeous hens and adorable babies. Jewel looks brown in some pictures and a true "blue" in others, While the roo you call Blue is maybe tan or buff, but not as in a yellow Buff Orpington. You take great pictures! : )
Gorgeous hens and adorable babies. Jewel looks brown in some pictures and a true "blue" in others, While the roo you call Blue is maybe tan or buff, but not as in a yellow Buff Orpington. You take great pictures!  : )

Thank you, the rooster's name is Blu. He was named that when I got him. The previous owner named them after the birds in the movie Rio. :) I have been told he is Splash in color. I am not quite sure now with the color of his chicks.

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