Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

To all the Survivor fans out there, did you notice on recent episodes when they had the chickens, that they kept eating the hens before the rooster. I guess they all believed the needing a rooster for eggs myth also!
One truth is that my first egg cost $900. The rest were free. Some people still look at me croos-eyed.
My first eggs were free. Grandma gave me some of her hens and Grandpa built a coop for them (40 years ago). It's all the eggs after those that have kept me from having a decent car or tires on my truck or new clothes or ..............the list goes on.

this newbie would like to ask what a DH is please?

My first eggs were free. Grandma gave me some of her hens and Grandpa built a coop for them (40 years ago). It's all the eggs after those that have kept me from having a decent car or tires on my truck or new clothes or ..............the list goes on.

My son cried when they killed the hen on Survivor....However, he was quite excited when I explained to him that he was smarter than each and everyone one of those folks on that show who thought you had to have a rooster for a hen to lay eggs.
Roosters are NOT Required!

Growing up, we lived in a sizable house with an even more sizable yard. The driveway was frammed with a grand iron gate where the neighborhood children would gather to visit the chickens and goose.

So we're outside one beautiful morning chatting with a nanny who has brought over her charges to visit the fowl. The nanny turns to my mother and asks, "Why don't you have a rooster?" And mother replies, "We don't need one." And the nanny says, "But don't you want eggs?" To which my mother replies, "You don't need a rooster to get eggs."

The woman ponders this and stands there looking puzzled. "But how can the hens lay eggs if you don't have a rooster?" she finally asks. To which my mother replies, "Well, you lay an egg every month whether or not there's a man around!"

The poor woman was absolutely speechless. And eventually nodded and gathered her brood and disappeared down the street. We never saw her at the gate again after that day.

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