Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

Very sorry!

I guess I just assumed you were a guy because you were willing to stick your finger up your chicken's butts to check to see if they were laying...

Most women I know aren't willing to do that. All of them, if you don't count me, LOL.
The traditional Southern way among whites, Indians & mixed bloods (mestizos) for sexing chicks, duckling, goslings is to firmly place the nand over the back & flip the pver loosening the grip some.

A COCKREL (I DO NOT RAISE ROOSTERS OR rather they all are roosters- hey they all ROOST) will struggle rarely more than once.
a PULLET will try very hard to right herself.

This is an easily verifiable & general condition in many animals. It its the same as when 2 male dogs comabt. the weaker one will go to his back & bare himself as defeated. It is exactly the same with poultry.

I watched my grandfather & his game COCK junta sex all the chicks as the hatched. I know several tribes in Oklahoma do the same. I have watched it done in hatcheries , those most use the wing feather technic now as 99% accurate. I have been doing it for over 60 years myself. Most breeds will show a 90% accuracy. My wife sexed herself(now that sounds odd) a box of goslings at a hatchery. all females. the employee checking her order told her it could not be done, so he used his scope thingee & admitted she was 100% correct.

Simply put a very young cockrel acknowledges defeat, a pullet has no reason to do so.
Very sorry!

I guess I just assumed you were a guy because you were willing to stick your finger up your chicken's butts to check to see if they were laying...

Most women I know aren't willing to do that. All of them, if you don't count me, LOL.

No prob!
I'm a nurse....I've stuck my finger up quite a few butts, sad to say.
Guys are the squeamish ones, you know....I don't know a man one that would put his finger up a chicken's butt...unless it was on some stupid dare!
Very sorry!

I guess I just assumed you were a guy because you were willing to stick your finger up your chicken's butts to check to see if they were laying...

Most women I know aren't willing to do that. All of them, if you don't count me, LOL.

No prob!
I'm a nurse....I've stuck my finger up quite a few butts, sad to say.
Guys are the squeamish ones, you know....I don't know a man one that would put his finger up a chicken's butt...unless it was on some stupid dare!

I agree. In my experience, it is the men who are chicken about that sort of thing.
No prob!
I'm a nurse....I've stuck my finger up quite a few butts, sad to say.
Guys are the squeamish ones, you know....I don't know a man one that would put his finger up a chicken's butt...unless it was on some stupid dare!

I agree. In my experience, it is the men who are chicken about that sort of thing.

I can't count how many chicken butts I've probed. My hubby would NEVER be caught dead with his finger up a chicken. He didn't even know until yesterday that chickens only have one "hole", and that roosters have no actual 'equipment'. That's another funny thing, the number of people that don't know those two basic facts about chickens.

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Oh, i just thought of one. Though it's not as funny as some of these.

A lot of people are under the impression that if your eggs are not in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, they're no good - and will throw them out. When in fact, fresh eggs can be kept on the kitchen counter for over a week with no problems at all.

Similarly, these same people will throw out eggs that have been in the fridge for more than a week or two. Fresh eggs can be safely refrigerated for months before going bad.

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