Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

This is neat, well;
My two silkies that died from a hawk-attack were
Fuzzy and Izzy.

The duckling that died from arithmia was

The chicks that were re-homed today were;
Pocahontas - EE, she was black and white like a native Indian horse.
Dot & Dash, the Millie Fleur couple, quite monogamous actually.
Cinderella, the white silkie, a true princess, even in the rags (rain & mud).

My own chickens;
Buttercup - Buff orp
Shadow - Blue Orp ( She's actually ms. terror for all the others but somehow digs Buttercup).
Pepper - Australorp
Ginger - Ameracuana
Tinkerbell - Dark Brahma, she looks like a real fairy to me.
Ok mine are evil

My lady reds are as follows

mrs. 6piece
mrs. extra crispy
mrs. bbq
mrs. original recipe
mrs. hot wings
mrs. penny marshal

aracona sp


silver wyandette sp
is mrs. big butt

partridge rocks
Here are our names:

3 EE: Senor, Fluffyball, & Lucy
3 RR: Helga, Eggy, and Sassy
3 Black Australorp: Crispy, Viking, & Oreo
3 Buff Brahma: Lightning McQueen, Red Beak, & Sapphire
1 Light Brahma: Reepicheep
1 Blue Cochin: Cotton (after Cotton's Parrot in the Pirate's movies)
1 Gold Laced Cochin: Lil Peep
1 Red Cochin: Goldie
2 White Cochin: Henny Penny & Sally (after Cars)
2 Black Langshan: Owl Face & Peepicheep
2 Salmon Faverolle: Hannah Montana & Over Easy

We also have 25 CR coming that I'm planning on naming Dave after the Dr. Suess story "Too Many Dave's"

Current chickens:

Cinnamon Queen: Henrietta
Auracana Bantam: Chica
Buff Silkie: Shirley
Black Silkie: Pearl
GL Cochin Bantam: Lady
EE/Wyandotte mix(???): Dot

Chickens I had:

2 Buff Orpingtons: Buffy, Puffy
Australorp: Hoser
Auracana: Snickers
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I got three hens at the same time... so they are all named after jewels.

White Leghorn = Pearl
Black Star = Onyx
Red Star = Ruby

I'm still naming my babies so I hope reading others' replies will help me name them.

My Barred Rock = Bella Rose
Buff Orpington = Buffy

I did have 3 Barred Rocks that I thought were all hens and had named them:

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my EEs are:
Henrietta, Lucy, Ethel, Polly, OliveOil, Emma and Ivy.

My cochins I did not name, the friend who gave them to me had already named them. They are Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup (yep, the Power Puff Girls.)

And Franco, can't forget Franco. He was supposed to be a she, but the friend named him Franco as an in-joke and I kept it. I told everyone her name's Franco, but she's a girl, honest, until lo and behold he grew into his name! So be warned, names have power!

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