Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

I have 6 chics. 2 barred rocks, their names are. Lucy and Ethel, unless one turns to be male, then its Lucy & Ricky.
I have 2 production reds, which are my tough chics, their names are.. Thelma & Louise.
I have 2 rock cross Columbian and those are named Laverne & Shirley.

I'm getting 2 Rhode Island reds, and their names I am still working on but I'm leaning toward,
Buffy & Xena
Chicken math has struck again.
I got two BCM pullets last week. Names are:

Ricky and Smudge
All of my babies are girls but I loved these names. Chickens don't conform to gender roles! haha

Oscar Goldman is my Easter Egger
Steve French is a Red
Lo Pan is a Red with an attitude
Darkwing is our duckling
Mine don't all have names... I have a BO named Floppy, because when she was a pullet one of the older hens bit her comb and damaged it so the end flops sideways(used to have another one I called Not-Floppy, lol); a golden laced Wyandotte roo I call Chucky; a silver laced Wyandotte hen I just call Wye; and a black sex link and barred rock who are sadly nameless. None of my newer ones have names except the cockerel, Little Red(RIR) who will be going to freezer camp soon as he is 15 weeks old now.
My reds. Think they're mixed with meat birds because they are heavy.

Ursula (she was like the mean sea witch from the little mermaid when we first got her)

My Rhode Island Whites:
Chocolate (she got pooped on the day we named her :) )

My black lagshan:

My White rock:

My Auricana mutt:

My EE:

My Polish/black copper maran mix:
Psycrow. ( psychotic and flighty and looks like a crow)

My black sex links:

My Welsummer pullets:

My Cuckoo maran pullets:

And someday king of the flock:
Lenny, who is 8 weeks old
He's a red mixed with an Olive egger (avatar pic)
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Nugget, Honey, Weezy and Pearl are Banny Hens.

Petunia, Jubilee, Bleu, Baby, Flossie, Wenonna and Wanda are standards, but, nothing STANDARD about them.

Should have named them Kookie, Poops-a-lot, Hop-a-Long, Trigger, Big Foot, etc. They are a hoot.
My mystery white lady is Christina
Partridge Wyn. is Susan Day
2 Golden Comets are Debbie Harry and Girl George
2 RIR are Reba and Bonnie
4 Barred Rocks (still hard to tell apart) are the Beatles
I have a different-aged, mixed-breed flock. Here are some of my chicken names:)
For my roos it's Tarzan (barred Plymouth rock), Cracker Jack (welsummer), Sir Orpington (buff Orpington)
For the ladies it's in this order:
Eagle (beatiful EE, she's four this yr)
Falcon (Easter Egger also, minus the muffs)
Omelet (yellow EE, cute and docile)
Cocoa (brown and gold, she hatched her own little family of chicks. For some reason,she's pretty snappy and savage)
Honey (yellow-grey, like Omelet only no muffs)
Amber (RIR) Strawberry (RIR) Raspberry (RIR) and Ruby RIR, she has green eyes!) To complete the laying-hen flock, it's the Barred Plymouth Rocks
Salt, Pepper and Dagny.
This year I made the addition of 6 lovely supposed hens. Two turned out to be roosters (wow!) They are 2.5 months old today. Buffy (buff Orpington hen), Dotty (also a Buff Orpington), Fudge (dark brown welsummer), Carmel (lighter welsummer) and the two chickens I recently discovered were roosters, Crakcer Jack and Sir Orpington. Hope you enjoyed, because I'm running out of chicken names :)
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