Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Our 3 RIR hens were named by my kids
Sandy (spongebob reference)
Minnie & Daisy (MickeyMouse clubhouse reference)
We also have a silkie chick named
Monster Feet
Still have 4 more chicks to name
2 broad breasted white turkeys male and female named Tom & Jerry (or Gerry since she is a girl)

white leghorn hen - The Kraken

salmon favorelle mix bantam - Little Feather

black chicken - Little Blackie (from True Grit)
One of our cats is named High Bred after a cat from a John Wayne movie too lol
Finally all have names!
Minnie - RIR
Sandy - RIR
Daisy - RIR
Monster Feet - Silkie
Maleficent - Gold Laced Cochin Bantam
Elsa - Ameraucana
Tinkerbell - Ameraucana
Jasmin - Barred Rock
I got 8 new chicks that are currently 10wks old. Finally found a name for the polish.

Black australorp: Scarlett
(Rest are bantams)

Mottled Cochin: Will (I think cockerel)
Buff brahmas: Peanut, Peaches, Maple
Mille Fleur D'Uccle: Acorn, Spice
And the Polish:

Biker Chick
So we've added to our chicken flock. More names have been decided:

4 new silkie hens are Sweetheart, Charcoal, Fluffy (as our first Fluffy didn't make it) and Splash
We have 5 new chicks - 3 Araucauna and 2 silver wyandotte that are yet to be named - they are only 3 days old.
We just sold our RIR hen and are about to replace her with 3 bantam RIR hens and a rooster - so more names must be found.
I just love this chicken business.

We have also have 2 white leghorn hens - Minty and PK (chewing gum)
and 2 New Hampshire hens - Ruby and Smudge
We gave all our chickens old lady names. Somehow me and my husband agreed on that. I even looked up names that are almost extinct- according to the internet. We have two GLW which are Bernadette and Tilda. The two BA are Nellie and Agatha. The last pair are Dominiques and they are named Margo and Gladys.
Due to my husbands taste in humor, he named our first 3 GCs Mr. Lahey, Julian, and Bubbles from a Canadian show he started watching. We are getting two new ones that I am debating on names but since I am a Star Wars fanatic I am looking for good suggestions. So far I have thought up but am not sold on:

Hen Solo
Princess Layer
Chook Skywalker

Let me know if anyone has anything better to suggest!

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