Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

We have:
Princess Buttercup - buff orp
Stormy - lavender EE
Crazy Daisy - EE
Rosie - Australorp
Twinkle - Silver laced orp

We've also had Oprah, Sweet Pea (who became Sweet Peter), Bitsy (silkie) and Yolo (Polish)
i have 4 baby chicks. i don't know their genders or breed, but i gave them names. The biggest one is BonBon (Marshmallow in spanish), the second biggest is Midnight, the second smallest is Ebi, if its a girl Ebonita if its a guy Ebony, the smallest and cutest Jas, if its a girl Jasmina, guy: Jasper. they are all black and some white, so its hard to tell them apart! i have tags on their legs though so that helps. And by their size. I got 2 more. their names are: Sparky and Roxs. Rox'in is its a male and Roxana if its a girl.
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Do you mean silver Laced Wyandotte? Never heard of a silver Laced Orpington.

No, she's a silver laced orpington
My EE is Coco
My Silkie is Proffeser Fuzzbutt
My Sizzle is Hedwig
My Buff Orpingtons are Tinkerbell and Chicky Farto

We had a sense of humor when naming them
quote name="kellyschippy" url="/t/66997/chicken-names-whats-your-chickens-name/1740#post_18412343"]We have

Snow white[/quote]My favorite and friendliest chicken was a California white named Snow White who unfortunately died this past summer. :(
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This is a cool thread, so I thought I'd add my girls and maybe wake the thread back up!

Chickens I have now:
1. White Silkie Rooster - Unnamed, needs to be something royal
2. White Silkie Hen - Marzipan, sweet and decorative
3. White Silkie Hen - Minuet, because she twirled and danced around the first time she was let out on grass (Her previous owner kept her in a rabbit hutch)
4. White Silkie Mix Hen - My Sweet 10-yr-old Meringue
5. Silver Penciled Cochin Bantam Hen - Willow, reminded me of a pussywillow as a chick
6. Dominique Hen - Lottie, my favorite hen (don't tell the others) So sweet but was born with a crooked beak and head, and so is a little "simple"
7. Welsummer Hen - Dulcie, which means sweet and her eggs look like chocolate
8. Cuckoo Marans - BonBon, because her eggs look like chocolate
9. Black Australorp - Beatrice, because she looks like a Beatrice, LOL!
10. Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Hen - Vidalia, ecause she looks like a bloomin' onion you can get at steakhouses
11. Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen - Constance, because she is prim like a Puritan girl, LOL!
12. Gold Laced Wyandotte Hen - Unnamed, has a droopy wing, but very beautiful and sweet
13. & 14. Splash Wyandotte Hens - Unnamed, identical, only hang out with each other, gorgeous but standoffish
15, 16, & 17. Barred Rocks Hens - Very Sweet, only able to tell them apart by their beaks (black, yellow, and mottled)
18. White Leghorn - Unnamed, very skittish and paranoid
19. Austra White or Cal. White - Can't decide between Cameo, Porcelain, and China Doll
20. Lavender and Tan EE - Clover, my oldest EE, had a "fight" with a clover blossom as a chick, she is the boss lady of the coop
21. Buff Columbian EE - Quince, beautiful, but if she was a human, would believe the Illuminati had listening devices in her feeder.
22. Brown and Gold EE - Olive, after the color of her eggs
23. Black and Gold EE - Jade, because she thinks she should be worshiped by the other chickens like a little idol
24. Brown and Black EE - Unnamed, very sweet, huge muffs, I'm leaning toward Acorn
25. Blue and Red EE - Unnamed, beautiful but skittish
26. Buff Orpington - Unnamed, leaning towards Praline
27. Black Star - Pepper, because even as a chick, she was spunky and "spicy"

Any suggestions on the unnamed ones? Any thoughts are appreciated!

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