Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?


My black Australorps are Gertie and Henry (Henry WAS Henrietta before we realized that she was a he

My Buff Orphingtons are Mabel and Mom (my 6 yr old named Mom)

My Americaunas are Hazel and Chicopee

My Red Crosses are Maggie, Rosie and Caramel

We like the old fashioned names.
Well I am now up to 24 girls , 6 of them less than a week so let's see if I can remember them all.

Buff Orps - 11 weeks old . Dixie, Deliliah, Dolly, Talulah, and Vidalia

Americaunas - 11 weeks old. Cinamon, Sweetie, Penny, Lucy, And Ethel.

Rhode Island Reds - 4 weeks old. Emma, Lilly, Holly, Molly, Mindy , Cindy, Gracie, Shelby.

Rhode Island Red's 5 days old. Ginger and Nutmeg.

Barred Rocks-- 5 Days old. Ebony and Olivia.

Gold Sex Links -- 5 days old Henny Penny and Butterscotch.

I love each and every one of them so much but I guess I am going to have to tie a sign on their tail feathers to tell them all apart. And I want 30 more in the spring???????

got some of the new chicks named:

3 patridge(?) EE's- snap, crackle, and pop
1 white EE- marshmellow
2 cuckoo marans- polka and dot
2 brown leghorns- cocoa and crispy
2 buff and 1 splash cochin- peanut, butter, and fluff
1 SLW - windchill
2 red leghorns- copper and penny
1 EE- chipmunk
1 gold laced polish- big bird
2 white capped black polish- cruella and deville
1 columbian wyndotte- bitty

1 phoenix roo- fawkes

taking suggestions on:

2 phoenix
2 salmon favorelles
1 salmon favorelles roo
Left to right....!


KJ - or "Kimmy Jr." named after a good friend of my kid's who insisted they name a chick after her. She's an Australorp, shy with us but dominant with her sisters.
She also thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the brooder, which isn't good for us because we don't want her escaping. she is very adventurous.

Hippy Chick - our EE, the prettiest one of the three. Coy and kind of a diva. She knida takes the traits of a chipmunk especially her looks.

Waddle - our Buff Orpington who has been mellow and friendly since day one. She is truly a "people chick" . She is tame and always wants to make every minute special. Except when she is a cranky chick which is not very often.

~Phyllis and her daughter
Wow, lotsa Harry Potter chickens! Mine are pretty random.

Sparrow - he got named first, because as a new chick he looked liek a sparrow. I had no idea what he was, just that he wasn't a Silver-penciled Wyandotte like he was supposed to be. Turns out he's a Golden Campine.

Dove - she got named next, cos I liked the bird theme, and cos her feathers are a lovely soft dove grey. She's a Blue-laced Wyandotte.

Creamsicle - She's my other BLRW. She & her brother looked like little creamsicle chicks, so I decided to name her that.

Booboo Chicken - named for Donald Duck's pet chicken on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - he's another BLRW.

Charlie - the fourth BLRW, I have no idea why he's named that, he just is

The Chick-a-sauruses - the four Silver-penciled Wyandotte cockerels, because they don't look like chickens to me, they look like something prehistoric... and a little scary.

The two Silver-penciled Wyandotte pullets don't have names because I can't tell them apart. I'm hoping to trade one of them for a Buff Orpington this weekend, then maybe I'll be able to find a name for the other one.

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