Chicken Names!

Blue ee - "Sassy" because she IS sassy! and talkative!
Red silkie - "Marki"
Buff silkie - "Silky"
BR pullet - "Chicken Little" She was the runt
Partridge Ee - "Austin" Named after Austin Powers...because when he grows up he's going to be a groovy little guy surrounded by babes, trying to fend off evil.

Still have to find names for one white ee and a I'm trying to think of names that will go with the Austin Powers influence
ok here are mine:

~ Black Silkie mix(hen)-Pearl
~ Welsummer(pullet)- Jane
~ Blue Aurucana(pullet)- Loretta
~ Blue aurucana(pullet)- Bell
~ Lemon Blue aurucana( roo)- Wyatt
~ OEGB (roo)- Dolittle
~ White OEGB(pullet)- Cheyenne
Mine are, as per signature.

Rhode Island reds..Agatha and Daphne, Cream Legbar..Henrietta...

All a bit cross as I havent let them out of their run this morning...

I'm hoping Agatha, who is now quite red in the face and 24 weeks olds...will lay soon, and if I keep her in the run until afternoon, I may find an egg !!!
Our granddaughters named our chickens, the ones who have names, that is. We have a hen of unknown breed named Cinderella ("because she is so beautiful Grandma"), a light Brahma roo "Freddie", a ISA brown roo "Hannah Montana" (he was supposed to be a pullet) and a Welsummer roo "Kellogg". Also we have a pair of Wheaten OEGB "Nigel & Charlotte". The rest of our flock (mostly ISA brown hens) are known collectively as "The girls".
Don't have chickens yet, coop wont be built till spring, but will use the same method as I did when the kids were little and we had pigs. When they asked what the pigs names were, I said Breakfast, lunch, and Supper. Those names stuck, BTW, and the kids knew exactly why we had them.........
little john - cochin roo
big daddy - cochin roo
anakin - blue sumatra roo
amadala - blue sumatra pullet
scar - white mutt
simba - white mutt
itty bitty - black minorca hen
raven - black minorca hen
snow white - white langshan hen
just a few...
Oh I just remembered that we have 2 more names for chickens in our family. My 10 y.o. son was trying to call his new Silkie hen 'Jane', but my 4 y.o. daughter didn't listen very well and when the family came over for Thanksgiving, she introduced all of her cousins to the new chickens. She told them that the hen's name was "James" and she decided that the rooster should be called "Caitlyn". My son was not happy when he got home from his hockey game and all of his cousins were out in the yard playing with his rooster named "Caitlyn". LOL The name stuck though, and Caitlyn has since started crowing.
We let our kids name the chickens. My 2 year old named his Rhode Island Red... Baby, my 4 year old named his Rhode Island Red... Popcorn, my 6 year old named her Chochin... Peep. I named my Chochin... Henny Penny and since my husband hates chickens we gave him our our dumb (but we love her!) Polish Frizzle that we named... Rockstar. We got two new Aracauanas and since they are the Easter Egg Fowl we named them Peg (for egg) and Bunny (for the Easter Bunny).

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