Chicken noises when locked up in coop before night


Aug 31, 2021
One of our chickens, Mushu, makes the sound in the video below when we get all the chickens back in the coop for the night. It is our first time owning chickens and I’m not sure what it means. She is the only one that makes this noise.

Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm new at raising chooks/chicks and they're finally learning to get into the coop by themselves. For about 15-20 minutes they go in , come back out, repeat the steps until they're all in. Then when I close the door to the coop, it sounds like a wrestling match❣️Do all chickens do this? They're 9-10 weeks old. It's amazing how they push and shove their way in 😳
Thanks 🐓
She's complaining because she wants to be outside - it's still daylight, Mom.
Haha I figured this is what was going on. We’re currently trying to get a larger run predator-proofed and ready for them so hopefully Mushu will be more happy soon!

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