Chicken or Egg themed games for party?


Renaissance man
6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Music City, USA
My wife and I are throwing a "Coop Warming" party now that the girls are settled into their new home. Yes, this is just an excuse to throw a party but to make it seem more legitimately about the chickens we were hoping to have some chicken or egg themed games to play with our guests. My wife and I are late 20's but the guest list includes people of all ages. We are getting a keg so hopefully that will provide enough social lubricant to encourage people to participate in games they might otherwise not want to be a part of.

We expect around 30 people give or take and we live out in the country (and the neighbors are all invited) so noise and space are not much of an issue.

I'm also looking for ideas for inexpensive decorations which also have a chicken and or egg theme as well. Any advice, suggestions, or anecdotes from people who have hosted similar parties would be appreciated.

This is the coop to be warmed. So far the only thing I've done is taken some rough boards from a pallet and painted them barn white and I will be using some barn red to make lettering which says "◄--- Coop Warming Party" to all nailed to a post to go at the end of the driveway because a couple of the people who were invited have never been here before.

Any help is appreciated.

Here is the sign I made. The boards are from an old pallet and the post is a piece of wood left from coop construction that had a split on the corner of it. The paint is barn white and barn red from the coop-struction and yellow and green that I already had around the workshop.
an egg hunt,best chicken/rooster imitation, divide in to teams and do a relay race where they act like a chicken??

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