Chicken Photos Thread

Don't know which is worse in Florida, the humidity or the rain...rain...and yes....rain. Oh and the rain. I shouldn't complain. It may flood when it gets going but least it don't flash flood like back at my old stomping grounds in Texas. 1st picture...the road's about 15 ft from the fence...and down at an incline. All you can see of it is the river that God replaced it with. This is at the side of the property 2nd picture...the front of the property...and the front of the house this morning.The incline up front isn't so incliney so that water is coming up at a nasty pace. QUOTE] I share your pain. And it just keeps coming. To top it off I now have a hors with thrush and miserable chickens (they are hating the rain). I keep telling them that it is rain or heat take their pick. It is Florida after all!!
I share your pain. And it just keeps coming. To top it off I now have a hors with thrush and miserable chickens (they are hating the rain). I keep telling them that it is rain or heat take their pick. It is Florida after all!!
Oh ew for your poor horse. How bads the thrush? Hoping its not all 4 frogs or too deep. Thatd be horrible. Done the kopertox or something? You know what I HATE? When your vet or farrier give you that look and says "..couldave been avoided with clean dry stall and daily picking and a dry place to stand for most of the day..blah blah blah.." Sometimes dry is an impossible dream and unless your property is your place of work, who's got the time to clean hooves everyday on top of mucking out stalls not to mention all the other variable during wet months.
Any hoo...pat your horse and scratch behind ears for me. Hope they get better quick
Oh ew for your poor horse.  How bads the thrush?  Hoping its not all 4 frogs or too deep.  Thatd be horrible. Done the kopertox or something?  You know what I HATE?  When your vet or farrier give you that look and says "..couldave been avoided with clean dry stall and daily picking and a dry place to stand for most of the day..blah blah blah.." Sometimes dry is an impossible dream and unless your property is your place of work, who's got the time to clean hooves everyday on top of mucking out stalls not to mention all the other variable during wet months.
Any hoo...pat your horse and scratch behind ears for me. Hope they get better quick

It is just the front. And luckily I have a certified journeyman farrier that has lived in central florida his whole life and knows that she is on pasture for 12 hours a day. He understands that sometimes stuff happens. He knows that her stall is the cleanest at the barn. He had just done her feet on Monday and Sunday the thrush was there in her heel bulbs! Used thrushbuster at his suggestion and now cleaning and spraying with copper sulfate and vinegar daily. Kept her in for 24 hours to dry out some as well. Depth is maybe 1/8in. Thanks.

Although now my concern is this lethargic 18 week old pullet that I woke up to this morning
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Was almost lost to the world yesterday evening. It was like they knew they weren't going to be let out to free range today & tomorrow (I'm getting my remaining 3 impacted wisdom teeth extracted this afternoon). I didn't realise how big all of them have got (except for Igor) until they all tried to nest under my chin at the same time!

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