Chicken Photos Thread

Hmm, mine would mostly be more of specific breeds i already have, like 10 sultan hens,(i'd settle for 2) one more sultan roo, several more OEGB hens and 1 roo, but i would also like an ayam cemani, la fleche, cochin, lavender orpington, 2 silkie hens, a EE roo, and alot more i can't think of right now.

What i'd actually get would probably be:
Orpington, assorted straight run bantams, and whatever else catches my eye.
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Pebbles, my silkie roo, crowed 6 times in a row today!! that means it was him who crowed for the first time on his half-birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got this really cool picture of Emma today..

I sold half my flock yesterday, and now I'm depressed! I only have 15 chickens!!
They were all old and non-laying and I thought they weren't pets.... but it appears that they were despite me telling myself they are not pets, only Emma, jace, and Bubbles are pets. Oh well, chick season here I come!
tee hee..... I got to start assembling my chicken breeds wish list!
I have 15 and they are great. What breeds are you looking at?
Well.... What i really want is some banties , (EE, BR, sultan, polish) but they are all straight run and i really don't need more roos. So probably orpingtons or EE's.
BUBBLES CROWED TWICE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it took him 6 months and 1 week, but it already sounds very mature and roosterly. I'm sooo exited!!!!
Those are some great breeds! Good choices.
I would really like some bantams, but the whole straight run situation is an issue. But my goodness, what I wouldn't give for some Mille Fleurs or banty Barred Rocks (they're my absolute favorite breed for personality).

Well done, Bubbles (your rooster
T.Roosty boy still has yet to become a true, crowing adult.

Here are some neat pictures I got recently.

Avalon is still pretty as always....

Cookie's growing up more every day and developing that stunning buttercup comb!

Laserbeak the Welsummer laying one of her jumbo, dark eggs.

Arlene, Cream Legbar, enjoying the yard and fall leaves

Jordan, RIR.

My handsome boy in the coop; he just hasn't stopped changing.

Those are some great breeds! Good choices. :) I would really like some bantams, but the whole straight run situation is an issue. But my goodness, what I wouldn't give for some Mille Fleurs or banty Barred Rocks (they're my absolute favorite breed for personality). Well done, Bubbles (your rooster :p )!!!!!!!:celebrate T.Roosty boy still has yet to become a true, crowing adult. Here are some neat pictures I got recently. Avalon is still pretty as always.... Cookie's growing up more every day and developing that stunning buttercup comb! Laserbeak the Welsummer laying one of her jumbo, dark eggs. Arlene, Cream Legbar, enjoying the yard and fall leaves Jordan, RIR. My handsome boy in the coop; he just hasn't stopped changing. -Alex
Nice pictures! If you wouldn't mind giving lots of money, my pet chicken has both as sexed day olds, I just haven't gotten up the courage to spend so much on chicks.

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