Chicken Photos Thread

It was a pic my visiting friend took. He was so fascinated with her long grey hair that he got up close and she got the shot. I had the picture put on a canvas and proudly display in my living room.
Heres some pics...

Thats little Nemo! I got him to pose in front of some native flowers, he sure did well! Hes one of my favorites (dont tell the others!), hes ubber cute when he comes when called

This is him when he was little

And heres his sibling, his other two siblings got taken by snakes.

I have a few other young cockerels who are great posers...two of them are really good: Mr Trump and Obama, but to protect their identity i shall not show them...

'Pullets' developing into cockerels....sigh...

Favorite pic of them as little fellas...

Now to dig through loads of pics, and find the good ones..


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