Chicken Photos Thread

I shoulda known.

That poses a problem, since my mom won't let me have very many QUACKZES!
Do you allow for exceptions?

It's always nice finding like-minded, chicken-insane people!

I WUV IT!!!!!!! Look at the face, it needs squeezed!!!!!!!

Why does she let you have some many chickens then? Um.. no!

We had a rather bad start to December and January and my 3 younger guys with large combs all got some decent frostbite. Memnoch (top) and Lucien (bottom) both have finished going through the process with Lucien losing all of his points. Memnoch still has points but they're much shorter. Ronan is still healing and looks like he's going to be some points altogether and then just tips of points. They all look very different and that kinda bums me out, but I'm glad it was just losing some of their combs and not them dying.

Damien, on the other hand, is going to need a house with a mortgage if he gets any bigger. Bottom left: about 2 months after he adopted me in 2015; Bottom right: last November; Top: 2 weeks ago. I didn't expect him to get that huge that fast. I thought he'd kinda ease into that, but his train feathers are over 5ft tall and wide now. I think he's been showing off like this early (if I remember correctly, their breeding season doesn't start until spring) because it's been unseasonably hot the past month. The two females usually ignore him, but now they've started making purring noises at him when he struts around. I'm hoping this means I'll have some eggs to incubate this year from them since I decided not to hatch any chicken eggs instead (just getting a straight run of dwarf olandsks in a couple months).

I know the warm weather isn't a good thing this time of year, but I do appreciate being able to let the birds out of their pens so me and the dogs can just sit around and watch them for however long they want to be out. It helps a lot with my TBI since it's been getting worse thanks to my day job.

Sharing pictures of my little, runty, banty baby who get's their fill by standing in the middle of the mash plate! This Mille Fleur is almost half the size of my slightly older BB Old English (Monday hatch, same week) and still has no foot-feathers like the others from the same Thursday hatch. Though small, this one is probably the sweetest, most laid back in the group, easy to handle and happy to snuggle up in a palm.
Wow, @uzisuzuki
, so glad your good-looking boys survived! That really stinks about the frostbite, but at least they're still with you. :)  

Can't stop staring at Lucien, by the way. :love  :gig


Lucien is definitely the big baby (he's always making complaining noises) & Ronan is the mama's boy. Odysseus has gone full peafowl on me & now sleeps with them instead of with the other chickens.







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