Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

my sister lives in idaho she wanted chickens so we got 5 raised them till "teen stage" then gave them to her. About 3 weeks 5 more came home. "teen stage". Handed them over. She wanted babys cuz the nieghbor gave her one. It was lonley gave her 4 more =5 babys +1 more neighbors rooster. =16
The chicken virus spread soon, we had 4 EE 2 bantams -1bantam (died of unknown causes) then my sisters naighbor decided to let me pick a chick it was a buff brahma...just happend to be a roo we didnt kno niether did the owner later he also intentionaly gave us roo he had way to many then we got 3 MORE chicks. than four MORE chicks. was gonna have 6 then it went to 14 and planning to get more this spring....chicken math
Hey guys! I know I haven't been here in a while but I always coe here for help
I was wondering if any of you knew much about turkeys...? If so, would you please take a short couple of minutes to read this and comment on the actually post? Thank you very much!!
I can't believe that after spending two weeks reading all the way from page 1 to page 491, there haven't been any new posts in 6 days. I'm in need of joining the group. I currently have 225 birds, or there abouts, in my coops. 14 are ducks, 4 turkeys, 8 guineas, and the rest in chickens. Some 20 or so are banties. They range in age from two weeks old to 2 1/2 years old. I also currently have 49 eggs in incubators, 12+ Barnevelder eggs in the mail due to arrive tomarrow, and 6 brown Chinese Geese hatching eggs on order for about 10 January 2012. My DW puts up with me having all of these birds. I hate to even think about how much feed they go through every couple of weeks. However I'm still building more coops with run space. i allow a different chicken coop to free range daily, if I'm going to be home to to make sure they are all back in the coop at dusk. I think I'm addicted, but don't really want to be cured. The beginning of the story is "It all started with 7 White and Barred Rock hens and 1 Barred Rock Pooster in August 2008, just to have a few fresh eggs".
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Well, the 3rd Annual NYD Hatch is gearing up so most of the addicts ... I mean... members.... yah, that's the ticket: members! are busy with their incubators.

I'd stay and type more, but I have 77 eggs in three incubators which need me to press my nose against the window to make sure nothing happens in there I don't witness.

What gryeyes said. I'm in the NYD hatch also, plus I have a pox chicken I am trying to save for some silly reason. But we are here! Heck, anyone who'd hatch chicks in January, especially those of us in cold climates, definitely belongs here!

My brain has been frozen lugging water to my birds, so I haven't been typing much. I think once the holidays are over and the people want to crow about their New Year's Day hatch results the chatter will pick up.
Thank You for the Welcomes. Happy New Year to all of you. I've got my marans eggs in lockdown and the Barnevelder eggs in the bator.
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