Chicken Scabs...Remove or No???


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2019
North Texas
My chicken received an injury to her neck several weeks ago. We weren’t able to stitch it closed and she has since formed a large hard scab over the area. I’m not sure of what I should do. Will this be a weak spot which will continue to be susceptible to injuries? Is it an infection which needs to be removed? Or will it eventually heal up and fall off? She’s one of my originals and I’d like to reintegrate her back into the flock if she’ll be safe.
Pictures included (note: She went through a hard molt following the injury and isolation ion from the flock.).

When you discovered her injury, did you do anything at all to treat the wound? Soap and water to flush dirt out of the wound? Antiseptic ointment?

I've treated two chickens over the years with a similar injury. The correct protocol is to wash the wound every day and keep antibiotic ointment on it in between to keep the wound moist. The wound does not scab up, but new tissue grows inward from the edges (granulation) toward the center, eventually closing up. There should never be a bubbly looking dry scab.

I'm not going to assume anything until you come back and let us know how you treated the wound. Then we can talk about where to go from here.
I flushed the wound and cleaned out any debris. I applied antibiotic ointment for the first couple of days. Then I applied hen healer to it for a week. At that point, it was suggested I leave it alone by a local chicken person. As, I wasn’t allowing it to “heal up.” This is my first hen to survive an injury. They’ve typically been so shocked/injured they’d pass after a few hours. I’m in uncharted territory and need constructive help. Thank you!
I would say let it go.. in the wild they get injuries and they heal fine.. i would wait until it falls off or you can see if its healed underneath.My hen ripped half her comb off somehow.. it healed within 2 weeks..without me doing anything. I think the moe you interfere the worse it gets. Just keep an eye on it. It might not look good after it heals or no new feathers will grow.
That's good. That you did flush out the wound and treat with an ointment, at least for a few days, tells me that there isn't apt to be any infection under the homely scab.

You could pull the scab off (called debriding) and resume wound care, but that would be your choice. At this point, it would probably be okay to just allow the wound to continue to heal under the scab unless you see signs of tissue inflammation and infection.
Personally, if there is no odor or pus coming from the wound, then I too would leave it alone.
I've had similar wounds on a hen 2 different times (yeah, I know :hmm) I did not stitch, but after the initial flushing/cleaning, I applied triple antibiotic ointment. The scab did dry up. When I would notice her scratching at the scab (you know it's got to be itchy!) then I would apply a little ointment to soften it. As new feathers started to come in, the scabs eventually were pushed up and they fell off on their own - dust bathing probably helped too LOL With a crusty scab like that, she was able to stay with the flock which made her extremely happy.
This was my girl - she healed perfectly fine, it just took several weeks.
Personally, if there is no odor or pus coming from the wound, then I too would leave it alone.
I've had similar wounds on a hen 2 different times (yeah, I know :hmm) I did not stitch, but after the initial flushing/cleaning, I applied triple antibiotic ointment. The scab did dry up. When I would notice her scratching at the scab (you know it's got to be itchy!) then I would apply a little ointment to soften it. As new feathers started to come in, the scabs eventually were pushed up and they fell off on their own - dust bathing probably helped too LOL With a crusty scab like that, she was able to stay with the flock which made her extremely happy.
This was my girl - she healed perfectly fine, it just took several weeks.
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I know this is an old thread, but your chickens injury resembles my chickens and I'm trying to decide what to do next. I don't know if you actively use BYC anymore but if you do, would you mind me DMing you through BYC with pictures and advice?
I know this is an old thread, but your chickens injury resembles my chickens and I'm trying to decide what to do next. I don't know if you actively use BYC anymore but if you do, would you mind me DMing you through BYC with pictures and advice?
@danimajor1988 It would be best to start new thread with pics of your bird injuries.
Oh, you already have one, and the member you quoted has answered your thread here:
I used prayer and collodial silver..poured it on morning and night (both). My chicken had a dime size hole on the top of her head from diving under a pallet with nails hanging down. She's doing great after only 1 week. No infection in sight. Scabbed in 2 days, which its continuing to shrink in size as it's healing. I've had her in the house in the dog crate but I know she's getting lonely so Im going to spray a little blu kote on just for the color and see how she does back with her other buddies.

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