chicken seizures?

My Silkie hen has been in perfect shape until a few days ago, I picked her up and she started screeching and kicking and I put her down and she was rolling around and since then she has no feelings in her legs at all. She is a house chicken and I do not understand why this happened Her eyes look good but she cannot eat from a dish as she cannot raise up. She is not eggbound and I do not know what to do.
My Silkie hen has been in perfect shape until a few days ago, I picked her up and she started screeching and kicking and I put her down and she was rolling around and since then she has no feelings in her legs at all. She is a house chicken and I do not understand why this happened Her eyes look good but she cannot eat from a dish as she cannot raise up. She is not eggbound and I do not know what to do.

that look s like something similar im having with my your hen.

What did you do to fix it? is she still alive and well?
Yes she is still alive. She is a house chicken and still has no feeling in her legs . She sits with her legs straight out behind her and she gets around her cage with her beak and her wings fluttering, So sad. She is not in any pain.. I read that St. Johns Wort helps but it did not do anything, .Then I read a lack of calcium can be crippling. She eats her food and oyster shell but her eggs have paper thin shells so I am giving her calcium and her egg shell was better. I stopped after a while and shell is thin again, so she is back on the calcium and I give her watercress which she loves. That has calcium. So she is a special needs hen and I take her outside and she sits and eats the little purple flowers out there and I have to prop her up to eat her food in her cage but she is alert... she just has no feelings in her legs. I am sorry you are going thru the same thing. I never had this happen before and all the chickens I had in the past were house chickens. Silkies are so delicate.
I went to put the flock out a few minutes ago and one of my bantam hens was flopping around like she was having a seizure before she stopped and was laying on the floor stiff. I waited till she seemed ok and i picked her up. When i held her she was acting completely back to normal. She's never shown any signs of being sick, this is very much out of the blue. Please help
I went to put the flock out a few minutes ago and one of my bantam hens was flopping around like she was having a seizure before she stopped and was laying on the floor stiff. I waited till she seemed ok and i picked her up. When i held her she was acting completely back to normal. She's never shown any signs of being sick, this is very much out of the blue. Please help

Sort of an update, she was separated and I'm keeping her in a cat crate temporarily. She is picking at her food a little but i haven't seen her touch water and I'm scared she'll get dehydrated or maybe she already is. I tried to shoot a little water into her mouth with a syringe, she wasn't very happy with that. She also has a bit of a twitch? Like as if she has hiccups, i really wish i knew what was wrong with her, someone please respond
Last update on the hen.Moving her back with the others turned out to be a bad idea. Last Sunday I decided she was well enough to go back to the coop, even if her neck was still a bit curled and she was not moving around as much as a healthy hen should. As soon as I introduced her to the others, our rooster attacked her viciously and so did the other hens! I quickly rescued her, but the damage was already done. She was unconscious from the attacks, and even though she came back, she never recuperated afterwards. After a week of seeing her barely eat and drink I decided to end her suffering. Here I was thinking having chickens was only fun...I feel like such a newbee :(

After some reading on BYC, I now understand the rooster and hen attack was just a normal reaction. Being too weak to run away properly, it hurt her more than it should have.

I'm so deeply sorry. I understand the feeling. Hugs.
Sorry to hear about your chicken. I have lost one this year and about to loose another. She had mites and it has blinded her and tonight she has a fit. I have her inside trying to do the best I can but I think I am loosing a fighting battle. Its very sad when all you want to do is have healthy happy chooks.
I'm sorry for your loss. I know the feeling
I have a black australorp pullet that is having crazy symptoms. Yesterday I found her upside down, wedged in behind the feed bin, no idea how she got there. I picked up her and placed her near the water dish and she had very bad balance. I assumed this was from spending time upside down and left her alone after a few minutes of her acting normal again. When I went back to the coop to check on her she again had wedged herself in the same manner. I noticed she keeps her head downward and walks backward with her neck twisted down and around and shakes. After about 10-30 seconds this stops and she heads for the food or water. Sometimes her backwards walking and shaking leads to her doing a somersault. This repeats every few minutes. I got out a 30 x30 rabbit cage I use for isolation of chicks and placed her in there to avoid her wedging herself in odd places again. She is eating and drinking but looks so pathetic with her neck twisting spazes. Any idea on what the cause could be or treatments for this? All other birds are acting normal. I will try to upload a video of this behavior soon.
this definitely wry neck. vitamin deficiency....she needs vitamin E and selenium. dropper feed nutridrench directly and make sure she drinks water with poultry cell supplement in it.

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