Chicken shoe for bent toe.


8 Years
Oct 30, 2011
Olympic Peninsula, WA
This afternoon we used olive oil to remove a chicken shoe from an 8 day chick. This was place on day 4 due to a curled toe. The chick was not using the foot. Hence not thriving. Isolated with two other chicks and it helped with mobility. I am taking a wait and see until tomorrow before fitting another shoe. Should we be more pro-active and do another shoe tonight?
Wishing you luck. I would put vitamin drops in the water with electrolytes. Keep the heat going. They are strong and either spring back or fair quick.

to BYC!!
You're doing everything right, and your chick has a good chance at normal feet since you've been so on-top of it. I would wait to see if the toe has straightened from the first boot. If it is still off, definitely slap another one on there.

This time though, the chick will be too old for a delicate boot (you can get away with bandaids and pipecleaners on new chicks, but not after the first week). I'd switch to something more heavy duty like a plastic base (ie cutting an oval out of a plastic plate), and electric tape. By their second week, chicks are old enough to play wrecking crew with more delicate materials.
The boot has been off for 24 hours and the toe is still straight. The chick still favors the good foot. Eating and drinking is okay. If his activity level picks up fine, and if not maybe he won't be caponed, but kept as a small rooster.
Thanks for your help. jeff

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