Chicken Snake!!!!

The sulpher will work, my grandfather used to tell me to pour it out to where it looks like a rope, the snakes will not cross it. I have never used it for fleas and ticks, my best guess would be to broadcast it. I would keep on the sulpher, maybe it was spread to thin?

My favorite solution is a goat, but then you can't smell the snakes, go figure.

You could get a guinea the worlds best burglar alarm, they will definatly let you know if something different is around.

Just my two cents,
We live in an area that has lots of Black Racer Snakes. and I just got ducklings. Black Racer Snakes can climb 5 ' straight up, with just the last inch of their tail on the ground. And they are thin enough to easily get through chicken wire and 1/2" hardware cloth. I have 1/4" hardware cloth. Saw something on Youtube that I want to adapt. Man had run electric wire around coop and snake tried to go along wire and was killed. Not sure if he was using regular fence charger, but I thought I'd adapt it. Snakes can go upward, but once up high enough, they need support. I saved a 2 ft piece of copper flashing from our roof remodel. I'm going to run it around the coop fence, a foot away. Then I'll run an horse fence wire an inch above the copper flashing. He'll be up enough that the copper flashing will ground him and the wire will shock him better than if he wasn't grounded. If I have to, I'll run electric wire all around that coop and fence, to keep out the predators.
This is exactly what I’m afraid of!
Lol, I’m just not a reptile person that likes snakes, lizards, and the list goes on. . . .
If someone is, that’s fine, but NOT me! I’ll stick to ducks and chickens.

I know there’s snakes around my property, as I seen a few last year; however all black snakes.

I’m working on building pens and coops now, and I have thought about snakes every board and staple of the way! Chicken wire hopefully will help keep them out somewhat, but no guarantees, considering how crafty snakes are 🤮 🐍

I was told here on the forum, there’s no definite way to keep snakes away, but I’ll try anything. Perhaps, Tractor Supply has something worth investing into???
Of course, if I see a snake around the coops and pens—I’ll grab the rifle and blow its head off, lol. What other choice is there?

That’s one big negative about owning chickens in the country: snakes and other predators lurking around for free food! 😩

Be well,
Ducklingguy 🦆

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