Chicken Standing Still...not eating much


Aug 29, 2018
Orlando, FL
Good morning,
I have a 2 year old Golden Sex-Link hen who has fallen ill. I can't quite figure how to help her. She is standing still the last few days and walking slowly around the yard. She is not scratching too much and eating very little. She is drinking water though. Her crop is soft, no impaction, I do not think she is egg bound and her booty feathers look clean. However, there are droppings that look watery, but I do not see undigested food or worms. It has been incredibly hot and rainy here. I do not have a vet that i can take her to. I have Corid and Duramycin on hand an amoxicillin, but not sure if any of those can help or which to start. I have given her plain yogurt and bread soaked in olive oil. She hasn't eaten much. I have an Easter Egger who is keeping close watch over her, but she seems to be doing just fine. Any thoughts on how to proceed would be appreciated.
First thing to check with a bird like this is for any abdominal swelling. Cup your hands and feel between her legs and below her vent and compare to healthy chickens. Checking at night whilst roosting is easiest and enables you to make a direct comparison , one to the next. Any fullness in those areas would be an indication of a possible reproductive disorder which sex links are particularly prone to once they hit 2 years. Do you have any idea when she last laid an egg?

How is her posture? Is her tail pointing downwards and her lower back hunched? Is she standing and walking with a wider than usual stance? Is her head pulled down into her shoulders? Is she breathing normally?

It is possible that she has a soft shelled egg in her system, which can make them feel really out of sorts, because they are so difficult to push through their system. Usually there will be a tail down stance and the vent may be pulsing. Soft shelled eggs often happen as the egg laying cycle draws to a close with the onset or moult as the body becomes depleted of nutrients. Some birds just feel really poorly when they moult whilst others waltz through it like nothing is happening, so she may just be sulking because she feels naff.

Get back to us with more info regarding the above questions. If you can post a few photos of her that may help too, so that we can see what you are seeing.

Nutri Drench or similar poultry vitamin supplement can be helpful with a bird that is looking off, to give them a boost. A few drops into their beak twice a day can sometimes act like a tonic.
Thank you rebrascora. I think I got it. Looks like worms in her droppings. I have attached photos. Found this in the nesting box this am. Am I right? Will Corid work? If so, just mix in water for only water supply and should I put some in her beak? She isn't eating or drinking too much. I should treat other chicken too. Thank you again.


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We need a better photo of those worm like things, ideally rinsed and placed on a dark background. If they are worms, they are not common round worms or cecal worms and my guess would be that they are tape worms, but a better photo with them cleaned up and on a flat, dark background would help. No need to be too particular, just drop them into a pot with some water in, give them a stir and fish them out. Are they flat ribbon like? The yellow colour makes me wonder if they really are worms or ribbons of "cooked egg" type material suggesting a reproductive disorder.

Corrid is an anti coccidiostat. It is not a dewormer and will not help in this situation.

For tape worms you will need a product with praquizantel as the active ingredient I believe. @dawg53 would be the best person to advise you on a suitable product if you are in the USA?? ..... It helps if you include your location on your profile page, so that we can see that info each time you post, below your avatar. Location in the world is relevant to a whole range of advice and info including prevalence of pests and diseases, product availability, climatic conditions, seasons for example makes a big difference if you are in the southern hemisphere, breed standards etc..... it is a big wide world out there and it can make a significant difference as to which part you are in.
Good afternoon,

I tried to clean the specimen off the pine chips but the specimen was too friable and fell apart. It did not keep the worm like structure pictured. She is now is bit hunched, tail is up. She is scratching a bit more, but not eating much.

We are in Orlando, FL. Hot, humid and rainy. My chickens free range during the day and this chicken is a particularly a good worm hunter. They usually eat well, get healthy treats every now and then and she is a good layer. However, her egg laying has been a bit sporadic. She will lay 3 days and then off 2 for example. She has not laid an egg in about 4 days.

Not sure what else to do. I cant find much info on a the reproductive issue other than sex links are prone to them.

Thank you again for your time.
We're experiencing the same weather as you. We just got done with 3 months of hard rains practically every day up here.
It would be best to worm your birds anyway due to wet conditions. Use Valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer. has it.
Dosage is 3/4cc given orally to each bird, use a syringe without needle to administer it. Repeat again in 10 days.
Poop looks like cooked egg yolk and mostly those poops are related with ecoli , EYP or internally laying I am so sorry she's not feeling vgood

Most of hens develop reproductive infection or EYP on the age near to 2 or after two

If u have any avain vet near u should take her cause this infection is fatal and if treatment started on right time bird survive otherwise 1% chances are there


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