Chicken Stock/ Craft Stock for Nov. 8th Tractor Supply Milford NH

gypsy are you out there?? the swap is coming up and wanted to talk a bit on how you all feel about the set up etc, is there anything you would have changed thought might work better? ideas???
I am here , been fighting the cold mornings, foolish chickens and a pair of escaped pheasants.

The only thing I would change if I could was the temeperature of the day lol , I am hoping for a nice warm Indian Summer day.

By word of mouth so far no email confirms , there are tons of people showing up.
I have to make sure Ken knows to get in tons of grains. and not just chicken and water fowl feed.
I have horse people coming who will be looking for deals also.
Rabbit people will be showing up and also looking for feed, There should be a good variety of rabbit breeds to chose from as was last time.

nfortunately My rabbits are going to be either on litters or have offspring too young to leave the nest.

Crafters if you please culd you post if your coming or send me and email @ [email protected] so I know if we need to bring tables or anything else for set ups.
I do have a pop up cover if there is going to be a need for it.
I generally set up outside but if anyone would like to share there should be room.

Chiken if you still have my phone number give me a call.
The news papers are supposed to be running the adds but I havent seen one as yet??? I called for it weeks ago got the confirmatin and it hit the card but I havent seen anything as yet. kinda frustrating to say the least.
I am going to call them this morning right after I chew out the company thats supposed to be sending my replacement blower for my wood stove.
I should be in rare form after the first call lol.

There is a lot of excitement for this swap, people cant stop talking about the last one and are looking forward to this one.
I also have to get in contact with the other store Managers and see how they want to get set up and on which dates.
I am a woosy when it comes to cold lol.

In the Bator due to hatch 4 days before the swap ( fingers crossed) are
Bantam EE x's
Standard EE X's ( possably Silver Pheniox crosses or frizzle crosses)
cochen and Button Quail
I cant be positive but I think there will also be a couple of Barred Rock hens available.
I have to get in touch with the guy from a rival feed store to be sure.
I also have to check with him and see if he has any ducks left he wants to part with.
uh oh I got off and rambling again,

I have to go in today for grain and a talk with Ken about the possability of a bit more room , lol maybe I can rearrange his sstock room.
From the sounds there will be a lot of buyers and sellers. we may have to back up what he doesnt need to the far end of the stock room to make room for everyone.
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i got a few names and numbers for the other tsc stores, i was writing up a letter to send giving them info and seeing if they would be interested. then i thought, getting someone on the phone a week later maybe. and getting confirmed dates way ahead of time. rain or shine events, rescheduled events etc. i wanted to get that all started and done before spring.
check whats up with the newspaper ads, maybe just one or 2 running the weeks before, maybe they are starting nov 1???
I am not sure what the issue is with the newspapers but I intend to find out. waiting now for the call back as the person in charge of the adds was not available.

I meant to ask last time and like the dope I am I forgot, I cant find the adds on craigs list? which catagory are they under? and I wonder if we should put anther add up and this time put it in the pets section also?
I was thinking they were in the events section, then farm and garden but I failed to find any adds, could they have gotten flagged? I know people on there lately have been flag happy for no good reason.
Kinko's order should be ready this afternoon. IF I can find a spare moment to get up there lol. so much going on so little time .
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