Chicken stop breathing I need help

Mother hen 119

Oct 18, 2017
Millington, MD
The other day I came home and found one of my chickens had passed away. I didn’t think anything of it because they had been sick. Today I came home and found one of my most beautiful chickens gasping for air come to find out she had been like that all day. I came home just in time to see her take her last breath and pass away. She was fine just the other day and I don’t know what could’ve happened please somebody help before I lose anymore.
read about something like this the other day ... just can't remember ....its an infection and the lady that posted toke hers to the vet and got medication .... i think to be on the safe side take one to a vet and medicate all ???!!
The 2 that died had no sign of being sick. The one that had sines. The sine were swelling, discharge from her nose.
The discharge...what color and consistency was it? Was the swelling in the face or elsewhere? How long from first symptom to death in that bird? Was it housed with or near the other birds?

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