chicken stopped laying eggs


6 Years
Nov 5, 2014
Ocala Fl
New to chickens, Read all the reasons why chickens might stop laying. I believe all the criteria are met. We got 4 chickens 2 weeks ago, one of which is a leghorn, only one who lays white eggs. She laid an egg every day for 7 days. Then stopped. 8 days now and no white eggs. She "looks" fine and behaves normally. Should we be worried?
Well, first it maybe thier diet did you change thier diet recently cause chickens need protein , to lay eggs they need daylights for 14-16 hours a day
Thanks. yes I read up on possible causes before I asked my question. She get plenty of protein and daylight hours. Am hoping the cause is just moving to a new home, too. Just so long laying almost every day, then nothing. Suppose it is no cause for concern, she looks happy. Will just wait it out.
Only asking about the one bird. She is one year old. two others are younger not laying yet, and the Buf Orpis about 18 mos. if that matters.
Hard to say what the deal is.
Often when a laying bird is moved she'll lay the first and maybe second day at the new place, these eggs were already 'in process' before the move,
then stop laying until she feels settled in and 'safe'.
The fact that she laid for a week before stopping is curious.
I wouldn't worry tho, unless she shows other signs of distress/illness.
Thanks. She went in the coop by herself today, and sat for quite a while. I thought she was going to give us a nice gift, but no such luck. Hopefully she'll settle in soon.

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