chicken sweaters

CrippedTurkey -

I remember an old game show back in the 1970s, that did not last long, where the celebrity guests would describe what an object was (1 telling the truth, 2 lying). The contestant would have to guess who was not fibbing. It has stuck in my head for years that the object Andy Griffith was describing was a chicken sweater for young birds being raised in the winter.
LOL. Was it to tell the truth? I did a search for hats, found nothing, but ya could make a hoody on the sweater if only for show and apply sports team insignias, and Princess and sell em I guess, it would be a niche market but could see one making money, wish I could sew.
some of my lamb sweaters have hoodies on them... why not on the chicken sweaters? makes perfect sense to me.

I think they need little snow pants to go with them.
Oh, my poor frazzled frizzle needs one of those! I got her through last winter with just a saddle. A sweater would be much better!

Seriously, feathers and down are natures's absolute best insulators. That's why we spend so much money to put them in our own garments and comforters.
A sweater of any kind is more likely to compress the chicken's feathers and decrease their insulating value then it is to keep it any warmer. Unless the chicken has no feathers.... then a sweater might help!
You are absolutely right
about the insulating value.....I love my goose down comforter and vest! Although, if I had a sick chicken or one with hardly any feathers I would definitely buy one, maybe 2 or 3! No one likes to be cold not even animals!!
There is a lady on the showgirl thread that knitted scarves for several of her chicks - for fun Maybe she could help you. The scarves looked airy (looser knit) so I would imagine a sweater wouldn't compress feathers (if any). Or buy her something made with Gor-Tex, - waterproof yet breathable(sort of)
I imagine you could make one from a child's stocking cap. Just cut slits where you need them for wings and legs. You'd have to bind off the edges of it's a knit, (like big button holes) but not if you use a fleece material.


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