Chicken throwing head onto back??????


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
I have a 4 yr old pullet who randomly keeps throwing her head backwards onto her back twisting it back and forth... What is this? I'll pick her up and stand her up and she walks normal eats and drinks but then goes back in her cubby and dose it gain... Is this a diseas???
I wonder if she's got an itch possibly? It seems like it could be something more though. Maybe a neck or back injury?

I googled it, said it could be "Newcastle" disease from other infected birds, airborn or my contaminated food or water. They're "nervous" condition symptoms... I don't know what to do :(
Yea I'm going to call in the morning and see what they think. Wish me luck!
She has wry neck, which is a neurological symptom that can be from a head injury, vitamin E deficiency, Mareks disease, and many other infectious diseases. They can walk in circles and backward, also. If she is not showing any other symptoms, give her vitamin E and selenium, which are found in Poultry Nutridrench, 2-3 ml orally every day. If she cannot eat and drink on her own, add water to her feed, and hold her in a towel 2-3 times a day to feed her.
I have the same issue with a rooster. It is sad. He tosses his head back most of the day he can put it down and eat or drink out of a bowl. I have him in a cage next to feed and water. I will go to pharmacy and get vit E capsules and selenium to give orally today.
Any other suggestions. My husband wants to put him out of his misery.
I have the same issue with a rooster. It is sad. He tosses his head back most of the day he can put it down and eat or drink out of a bowl. I have him in a cage next to feed and water. I will go to pharmacy and get vit E capsules and selenium to give orally today. 
Any other suggestions. My husband wants to put him out of his misery. 
I would get poultry vitamins that include the vitamin E plus thiamine. Selenium can be given with a little chopped egg or tuna each day. It is also found in chopped nuts and some seeds. Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell vitamins contain all of the vitamins and minerals. Some types of wry neck may be from thiamine deficiency as well as from E deficiency. They ned help eating and drinking if the neck never relaxes. You can put a lot of water into a small bowl of chicken feed to make it soupy. Then add a little chopped egg for selenium. Hold him in a towel and let him try to eat while holding him 2-3 times a day.
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