chicken toys ??

Thanks, I am going to do this in the coop. Right now here in Michigan my chickens don't get out often. I can't wait until spring. My daughter lives in Texas, and she is always telling me it gets cold at night. She forgets our weather here lol. My chickens need something to keep them busy in the winter. Gail
I don't have any toys for my birds. They have a ladder, bucket and brooder/jail. They like to explore the jail. I scatter a little scratch around in their yard every morning when I let them out of the coops. They can barely wait for the scratch or other treats, kitchen veggie scraps and sometimes stuff from the gardens like lettuce in the mornings that I have to be careful not to step on anyone. There are pictures on my BYC page.
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Plastic bright colored egg = dull colored calcium based egg shell. Nah. Half the eggs aren't even that exact shape. Do we have to avoid everything even close to egg shaped or they'll eat their own eggs? I doubt it. They look way different. Mine don't even consider chick starter and game bird crumbles the same before tasting them because they are a different color and shape.

Chickens like most anything food based. I put suet blocks in hanging suet feeders for my japanese bantams inside.
This is a great thread! I just put some parakeet mirrors in my coop. I hung them while they were free-ranging. Well, I went to take a shower while my husband put them back in the coop. From inside the house, I could hear him shouting at the chickens. After about 15 minutes he comes in the house and says he can't get the chickens in the coop. Well, it turns out the chickens saw those mirrors and wouldn't go in! I had to take them down to get them in the coop and then put them back up. Now they ignore them.

I like the idea of the plastic Easter eggs. I don't think they will start playing with their real eggs. They are smarter than that!

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