Chicken training question??


9 Years
Feb 20, 2010
We lost our amazing little Frizzle rooster, he was adorable! He didn't live with the other chickens but he followed us everywhere! He was so so sweet! He was my 9 year old and all of our favorite but she is especially crushed because she loved how he followed her everywhere . He was always clucking/talking too never a quiet moment for Frizzley Boy. SO she has been asking me if we can train another chicken to follow them around like he did?? ANy advice at all??
Get a day old chick, raise it in the house with people. ALL interactions with people only initially. Once it gets old enough, handle it everyday. The more time it spends with people the more likely it will follow you around.
I raised my Cuckoo Marans and Barred Rocks from day old chicks and they follow me everywhere....especially if I have a "special" red cup in my's the one I feed them their mealworm treat out of:love

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