Chicken underside and vent area red/chapped?


Jun 28, 2017
Western Michigan
A 2-year-old Isa Brown has a red area below/under her vent and the vent itself looks chapped. Nothing feels swollen, hard, and nothing looks distended. The feathers look matted like she has been playing in the mud - but we don’t have that kind of mud. They have a very dry coop with puh-lenty of space (6 hens in a 4’ x 8’ x 6’ coop with sidecar nesting boxes and AMPLE ventilation (huge windows on all sides). Chickens sleep on a roost 3-1/2 feet off the floor. They free range for much of each day on a 3-acre yard with sand, grass, trees, and forest floor. The other ladies (full-size, and a large group of bantams in a separate coop) look fine - everyone else has fine, fluffy petticoats and lovely white skin beneath. Bedding is pine chips from Tractor Supply, the same we’ve always used. Bird with red vent is eating feed and eagerly running up for treats. She acts completely normal. I can’t tell what her poops are like because we have a bunch of birds. Hard to say whose is whose. Photos enclosed. Any idea what’s wrong with Miss Hattie, and what we need to do for her?
Can you get some Nustock Cream at a feedstore or online and put some on your hen’s vent twice a day? It is an opaque cream of sulfur and pine oil and is antibacterial, antifungal, and since it tastes bad, will help to hide the red and prevent any pecking.
Can you get some Nustock Cream at a feedstore or online and put some on your hen’s vent twice a day? It is an opaque cream of sulfur and pine oil and is antibacterial, antifungal, and since it tastes bad, will help to hide the red and prevent any pecking.
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I ordered this - will be delivered tomorrow. Hopefully this will help! I will also do a complete coop clean-out, both because it's generally time for that, and in case there's anything unfriendly in the litter.
I would part the feathers and look closely at the skin for tiny lice or mites, or their eggs on the skin under the vent and elsewhere. Overcrowding, too little protein in the diet, and boredom can lead to feather or vent pecking.

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