Chicken unsteady on feet, collapses and sits a lot

Now I'm wondering if it could be anemia??? Heinz anemia lists leg weakness and lethargy as the main symptoms. I have thought frequently that her comb is very pale and the chicks have been getting garlic in their water, but why would she be the only one to be anemic if this is the problem?

Uhg, no more hatchery babies! Too much worry and heartache
I wouldn't unless you can get a definite diagnosis. It might make things worse instead of better. For our little chick, I ended up identifying that she had mycoplasma synoviae. The dead giveaway was the swelling in the soles of her feet and her leg joints. All of her symptoms were absolutely classic for m. synoviae. If I had known righ away, tylosin might have helped. I tried enrofloxacin, but it didn't help. She succumbed two days ago. So sad!
The site that helped me identify for sure what was causing the problem is this one:
As you can see, there is a really long list, so I wouldn't medicate unless you can narrow it down to a very clear suspect.
I would definitely try to give it some extra vitamins. Even though it eats the same as the others, it's body may just need a little boost. I have chicks hatch out and every once in a while, one will have a vitamin deficiency. It won't be able to hold it's head up, walk, eat or drink. They eat the same, and just as much as everyone else, but something in it's body just needs something a bit more.

I go to my local pharmacy and get the PolyVitamin Drops for Infants, without iron-WITHOUT IRON. And you have to ask for that from your pharmacist. It's not prescription, but they do keep it behind the counter for around $10. That is a necessity for a chicken first aid kit in my book. It usually takes a good 24 hours to see results, but it works. I usually take a dropper full of vitamins and dilute it with a dropper ful of water. Mix and dispense a dropperful of diluted solution into it's mouth at least 3 times a day.

Hope that helps.
Thankyou for your information I will try this asap 🌸
I have a young chicken right now that has those very same symptoms. Mine is a young pullet probably about 4-5 months old. I had just gotten her 3 days ago. I never noticed anything at first because we brought her home at night. It was dark by the time we got home and put her in the coop. Anyway I talked to a lady that was recommended to me from a friend of mine. She believes it could be coccidia and so I am going to be treating her for that, and see how it goes.

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