Chicken with bare skin in Winter - How to Manage?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 2, 2010
Afton, NY
I have a couple chickens that have large patches without feathers. I have been trying to figure out why but I fear even if I could, they would not have feathers in these areas for winter. Here in upstate NY it gets below freezing regularly and I worry about them keeping warm, even with a heat lamp. What should I do for these girls? I don't want them to get sick, cold, or frostbit. Is there any hope or should I just put them in the basement?

Thanks for any advice..

Were in FL actually and dont have that problem but the OPPosite...i have a few girls with there backs tore up from my old roo and bought them the hen saver covers (check ebay and etsy for hen covers) and they were TOO hot! Work PERFECT for the winter though! Some come in thicker materials too, I would try that! HTH!
Thank you for your response! Yes I had thought of that for their backs, but a couple of them have naked bums. I have treated for every parasite in the book. I see chicken diapers, but I don't want to prevent them from pooping or laying an egg so maybe I could cut a hole in it.. hmmm now you've got me thinking. I think for at least one of my chickens a hen saver will be necessary. Now I just have to find a booty-cover to cover under their tail and just over it (for one of them). This only affects three of my birds.. my others are beautiful. strange. They don't seem bored, there are only 6 birds and that includes my roo who is very nice and well behaved. they have lots of space in their coop (can't go outside.. we have a coyote problem at the moment in the middle of the day).
It's molting season for some. I have often wondered why do they molt when the weather gets cool.
Who knows??? Usually if you have a lot of birds, they will huddle and keep each other warm. Hopefully they will have new feather growth before the really cold weather comes.
it might just be a bad molt for them then! i have a couple looking funny right not too
but never have had bare, hopefully they grow back for you soon! At least at night the sit on there bums?
Maybe that'll help with night temps? GL!

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