Chicken with Glaucoma


In the Brooder
Oct 24, 2023
Hello all. On of our beautiful Buff Orpington hens was diagnosed with glaucoma on both eyes due to a birth defect. The eye vet said that she can't see and won't have great quality of life. She said we needed to give her quite expensive drops 3 times a day for the rest of her life. I do not know what to do. Mila (my hen) is only 7 months old and I have grown quite attached to her. Is she in pain? Can she live like that or am I being selfish? She gets around ok, even outside the coop and can find herself. HELP!
Hello and welcome to the flock. I’m sorry to hear about your buff. That is a tough decision to make and I don’t have an answer for you. I hope you can make the right choice for you and your flock. Once again, welcome!
Sorry about your hen. I don’t think glaucoma is painful. I had a small dog with a different condition once who was prescribed eye drops and ointment for the rest of her life. She was a rescue among a lot of other family dogs, and it was very hard to give her drops as the vet had ordered. I did use a lubricant eye ointment for her eventually, and that seemed to keep her comfortable. You might speak with your vet about a less expensive drop or treatment. There might be a generic available, or they may have other suggestions. I hope that she does well.

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